30Gl of Gourami

Jun 25, 2009
Hi all, I will buy 30GL aquarium and want to know if I will be able to add all my 5 Gouramis ??
2 flame dwarf males, 1 Gold, 2 Pearls (1 Female and 1 aggressive male)
My aquarium will be planted with hide spot. I know my Male Pearl gourami could be aggressive so i think add him the last one? I also have like 8 danios that I don't know if I could add theme in the same thank?


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
It depends on your fish - some gouramis are more aggressive than others and they all have their individual personalities, for example I used to have a gold and blue (both males) together without any problems. As unwritten law said, they'll all fit, just you'd have to keep an eye out for aggression, if your male pearl is aggressive now that'll more than likely be an issue with the others regardless of when you add him.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
This sounds like a bad science experiment. I would urge you not to try it, gourami are too aggressive to be in such a small tank together, there is no way they will all be able to find and mark their own "territories" in a tank that size without fighting. A gourami could defend his territory to the death, not a good plan.

Jun 25, 2009
Thanks for fast reply! After reading you I will only add my Gold and Dwarf Gourami together so they will have biger space and add my danios with them. For the Pearls the best will be to not add them... *thumbsups

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
just to warn you i have mixed a neon blue dwarf gourami w/ gold and opaline and both tore the dwarf apart being that dwarfs are peaceful and not aggressive at all. if you notice them chasing them around the tank then you will need to separate IMMEDIATELY as the gold will tear it apart. check this link on flame dwarf Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums: Flame Dwarf Gourami

and heres for you gold http://liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=830+882+964&pcatid=964

the bigger that gold gets the more aggressive hes going to get. this is what i have expierenced and from all the other threads and the more knowledgeable people on here most of the time everyone will tell you that more than 1 gourami COULD be bad together. one WILL always be more dominant. and that gold WILL get BIG

Jun 25, 2009
I read you tropicalCrazy, I understand now that many Gouramis could be a bad idea! For now I old my Gold and my 2 flames dwarf males in a 20Gl Planted Tank.
When my Gold chase my 2 dwarf, one Dwarf hide and the other one go so the big gold always chassing both very Funy*twirlysmi They never byte just chassing. Both dwarf also fighting their spot so maybe it help have 2 dwarf. But like you said Bigger tank could cause Bigger attack... But maybe they like each other... hope so! lol

Jun 25, 2009
Petshop fish

Another thing, Why at the petshop like 20 Gouramis are in the same thank without hidding spot and for most of them they look in good shape?? did remove hidding spot help the fish to be less aggressive?
*PEACE!* it is only a question

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
Another thing, Why at the petshop like 20 Gouramis are in the same thank without hidding spot and for most of them they look in good shape?? did remove hidding spot help the fish to be less aggressive?
*PEACE!* it is only a question
lol i understand what your saying. most petstores WAY overstock their fish in tanks, so in that being they stay small. while they are small they should be fine getting along with each other because they are a lot more peaceful. i didnt notice my gold or opaline getting really aggressive until they reached approx 4". then they started getting very territorial. it was sad when i had the dwarf gourami because he got the $h!t beaten out of him. i watched my gold and opaline start to bite off the fins. i also watched him take the dwarfs (feelers or whatever the hell those long tenticle things are) right off and it floated right to the top. it was so sad. i felt bad. i tried to find him a new home but he got murdered too quick. after the dwarf was dead the opaline and gold started fighting and since the opaline was much bigger he stressed the crap out of the gold. then i got rid of opaline and tried to find a blue the same size as the gold and put them together, then the gold got WAY aggressive and killed the blue. i could never win with it. and i have a 55. thought there would be enough room but guess not. since then i have gotten rid of all gourami's.

now dont get me wrong EVERYONE has there OWN success stories with fish that everyone else and studies say arent compatible even by keeping by others but somehow some people get those special instances and i have with some fish in the past where they can get some fish together and they become great tank mates. i ended up getting rid of a pink kissing, opaline, gold gourami away at different times because the bigger they got the more they started being mean to all my other fish, and ive spent some money on fish in the past and didnt want to lose them. i also had SOME success with a figure 8 puffer with the gourami's, my sharks, my school of platinum green, green, albino, and regular tiger barbs. but then i realized i was new to the fish keeping world and realized i was EXTREMELY overstocked so then i started downsizing.

now i want to get another 55 or larger and split up my sharks. i want to put the rainbow shark, bala shark, and gold algae eater in a separate tank and add some cichlids and in my current tank i want to add some cichlids with what i have and a black knife and in the other tank i want to add a brown knife. sorry for so long just thought i would share my experience with you in somewhat of detail/history so you might have a better idea what you might be in for, IF you have the bad luck that i and others have had

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
the best advice i can give that i think it was ORION the moderator on here gave me, but may be one of the other mods, but they told me read up, ask questions, read some more and ask more questions and keep on doing the same. i learned from trial and error for the most part and wasted A LOT of money, but since i have found this site i have gotten great responses and people here treat you with respect as long as you give it back. i try to read everyone elses experience and apply it to my own and i try to read up as much as possible. dont get me wrong i sure as hell dont have as much knowledge as most on here do but i do have a little and i do have some experiences and love to share them and get others input


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Remember fish in fish stores usually "move" quickly, they aren't in the tanks for long if there are customers coming in buying them, so they don't get much chance to get into squabbles. There are also lots of other distractions with people walking by and nets coming into the tank to chase them around, their true personalities don't really come out until they're in a stable environment.

Jun 25, 2009

I just start my 33Gl aquarium I hope my cycle will not be to long! I saw that unwrittenLaw Have cichlids fish with one big gourami and plan to do the same and move only my Gold and let my other Gourami in different aqariums.
I was thinking add some Boesemani Rainbow with them? If you have other idea of fish it will be appreciated!?