35 gallon to a 10 gallon:how many can i keep?


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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ok i want to downgrade to a 10 gallon. dont ask me why i jsut really wanna do it for some odd aparent reason. So i was wondering what fish i could keep from my 35 gallon, all others would go to my buddies

1 Dwarf Gourami
6 Platies
1 black molly
4 Zebra Danios
1 Rubber Pleco

How many, and which ones to keep?


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
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hmm sorry to tell u all but i went different ways, i gave my buddy the platies and mollys and the gouramin for a few bucks and now i got 14 danios in my tank, gonna have one big one school. Or maybe some neons tetras. Are they compatatible? or what else could i school with them?


Medium Fish
Nov 29, 2002
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Originally posted by Leopardess
yeah, danios and neons are fine with each other

I disagree. Neons usually just tend to "hover" in one spot, and danios swim around fast and bug them. Youll know if your neons are happy if they are out in the open, not hiding in plants. Sometimes they will work together, sometimes they wont. But I bet it doesnt work more times than it does.

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Large Fish
Jan 14, 2003
Calgary, Alberta
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I'm unsure of how compatible White Clouds are. Looking at my profile sets out my tanks as they currently are. I originally had 3 Black skirt tetras in the 10gal and 34gal with 5 White Clouds each. That apparently was a mistake because they started disappearing out of both tanks...ok not disappearing, but rather appearing inside my Black skirts mouths :D. Anyway, I moved all the Black Skirts into the 34gal, and all the remaining (6 if I remember right) white clouds into the 10gal. Seemed ok. Then a few days later I added 4 Harlequin Rasbora's to the 10gal. I've never seen them fight directly, but as it stands today, I've got 3 white clouds left, and 3 Harlequin's, one of which has basically no fins or tail left at this point. So I can only assume that the whiteclouds in some form being quite active are either nipping or agitating the other fish, and then getting their asses kicked. It's too bad really, their nice looking little fish.