I've got the tank set up with water and filtering and ran some tests: PH=7.0, KH=4 dKH.
I've got it hooked up to an XP2 canister filter and an Aquaclear 50 (200) that i can use for backup or extra filtration.
So i'm looking for some stocking ideas.
I'd like a centerpiece fish, fish that are amusing and/or have personality.
One of the possible stocking situations i've thought of is:
1 or 2 Angelfish
2 or 3 Blue Rams or Bolivian Rams
2 Honey Gourami
1 Bristlenose pleco (bushynose pleco)
6 Cories
I'm pretty much open to any idea right now, so let me have them! Thanks.
I've got it hooked up to an XP2 canister filter and an Aquaclear 50 (200) that i can use for backup or extra filtration.
So i'm looking for some stocking ideas.
I'd like a centerpiece fish, fish that are amusing and/or have personality.
One of the possible stocking situations i've thought of is:
1 or 2 Angelfish
2 or 3 Blue Rams or Bolivian Rams
2 Honey Gourami
1 Bristlenose pleco (bushynose pleco)
6 Cories
I'm pretty much open to any idea right now, so let me have them! Thanks.