35g stocking ideas needed


Small Fish
Jan 10, 2010
I've got the tank set up with water and filtering and ran some tests: PH=7.0, KH=4 dKH.

I've got it hooked up to an XP2 canister filter and an Aquaclear 50 (200) that i can use for backup or extra filtration.

So i'm looking for some stocking ideas.

I'd like a centerpiece fish, fish that are amusing and/or have personality.

One of the possible stocking situations i've thought of is:

1 or 2 Angelfish

2 or 3 Blue Rams or Bolivian Rams
2 Honey Gourami

1 Bristlenose pleco (bushynose pleco)
6 Cories

I'm pretty much open to any idea right now, so let me have them! Thanks.

Dec 14, 2010
Sunny California
If you go with angelfish you must get 1 or 3. My first tropical fish experience started with two angelfish and trust me I wish I would have listened to my LFS. Angels get big though, quickly at higher temperatures too. One would be a great showpiece for a community tank. The koi and marble variations are gorgeous but the veiltail shape is also striking. I love my angelfish and as long as they have a spot to hide they are awesome and easily cared for!


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Be careful with Aqadvisor, sometimes "compatible" species really are not. Be sure to ALWAYS research further!
May I reccomend sterbai cories? They're so pretty! And I also like clown plecos more than BN plecos, even if clowns are very shy. I, personally, would only do one angelfish. 35 is the very minimum for angels. Also, if you're getting rams, I would get bolivian because they are known to be much hardier than german. If you get honey gourmis, get a male-female-female pair\trio to reduce any agression.
Good luck!!


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
The rams will actually turn out to be your priettest fish in my opinion.

you can do a clown and a BN pleco if you like, most of my tanks have anywhere from 3-5 plecos in them. Some more (sometimes I forget what I have put into a tank till I have to move it and i find plecos i forgot I even had!).

I would do 3 angles actually. Maybe 3 different varieties.

ALSO this is a NEW tank correct? has it been cycled properly? If not read the tips on cycling or if you want to cheat get a filter from a friend that is dirty (and currently in use) swish the filter in some of friend's dirty fish water then dump that nasty brown poopy fish water into your tank. It will automatically go into the sponge in your aquaclear and set up a biolagical filter in your tank.

You need to add fish immeadiately if you do the above method as the bacteria will die with out any fish to keep it going.


The aquaclear 50 is actually a better filter then the canister you have and is actually enough for 50gallons of water so you can save a little on the electricty by not using the canister. (I should work for aquaclear! I can spend hours telling you the how's and whys that their filters and power heads are better then anything else on the market)