The power went off at my school around noon on Thursday, and didn't come back on until Friday around midnight. My two tanks are:
35 gallon:
1 4" Red Eared Slider (turtle)
1 4" Rainbow Shark
2 3" Gold Gouramis
2 3" chinese algae eaters
10 gallon:
1 3" goldfish
1 2" molly
4 2" swordtails
2 1" cories
I started out by covering both tanks with blankets. Every couple of hours I had to change some water with hot water to keep them warm. Through the night, the 35 gallon got really cold (70F); my turtle was very sluggish (wouldn't swim, just hung onto things), and the fish were kindof lethargic as well.
I heard the power might be out all weekend, so I took the algae eaters and gouramis, put them into the 10 gallon, and put the turtle into a 2-gallon rubbermail. After hours of searching, the shark was no where to be seen; I solemly counted him (my favorite fish) off as a loss, and started to move everything. With some help, I lugged it all to where they had power. The whole time, kept the 10-gallon covered completely - the gouramis have a tendency towards aggression; I hoped they wouldn't decide to attack everything in the now-overstocked 10-gallon.
Saturday morning the power was back on, so I brought everything back - loss, one swordtail, one rainbow shark. Got the 35-gallon warming back up, and put the fish and turtle back in. However, I go to change the water this morning, and lo and behold, who is swimming around but my rainbow shark! He somehow found an incredible place to hide, and was able to survive in 65F water for over a day!
So, with the loss of one swordtail, I managed to pull almost all of my fish through this power outage. Makes me wish I could afford some kind of backup power, but oh well.
35 gallon:
1 4" Red Eared Slider (turtle)
1 4" Rainbow Shark
2 3" Gold Gouramis
2 3" chinese algae eaters
10 gallon:
1 3" goldfish
1 2" molly
4 2" swordtails
2 1" cories
I started out by covering both tanks with blankets. Every couple of hours I had to change some water with hot water to keep them warm. Through the night, the 35 gallon got really cold (70F); my turtle was very sluggish (wouldn't swim, just hung onto things), and the fish were kindof lethargic as well.
I heard the power might be out all weekend, so I took the algae eaters and gouramis, put them into the 10 gallon, and put the turtle into a 2-gallon rubbermail. After hours of searching, the shark was no where to be seen; I solemly counted him (my favorite fish) off as a loss, and started to move everything. With some help, I lugged it all to where they had power. The whole time, kept the 10-gallon covered completely - the gouramis have a tendency towards aggression; I hoped they wouldn't decide to attack everything in the now-overstocked 10-gallon.
Saturday morning the power was back on, so I brought everything back - loss, one swordtail, one rainbow shark. Got the 35-gallon warming back up, and put the fish and turtle back in. However, I go to change the water this morning, and lo and behold, who is swimming around but my rainbow shark! He somehow found an incredible place to hide, and was able to survive in 65F water for over a day!
So, with the loss of one swordtail, I managed to pull almost all of my fish through this power outage. Makes me wish I could afford some kind of backup power, but oh well.