4 conch snails

Aug 13, 2003
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I have 4 large (4 inches long shell) conches that i dont have room for. They would be really cool as a pet together or alone in a tank but i would not put them in a tank with anything else that is alive that you value because they are carnivores. they dont like algae , they will eat fish ( i feed them frozen feeder fish) but they will also eat crabs and other snails. if you think you would like them, they are very interesting to watch. i will sell one at a time or all together, just let me know. i have pics but they arnt that good.

Aug 13, 2003
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i truely apprieciate the advice and believe you though i didnt know that but i also have to say that poeple keep alot of things that they really shouldnt and there is alot of marine life that is poisonis and dangerous that are kept with caution so i thank you for the caution but i would still like to find them a home because hey are a living thing and it isnt my desision to end there life and i dont have the option to reliese them to the ocean. so again i thank you for the heads up and hope that someone who can care for them will want them.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Oakland, NJ
I believe that jaws is referring to cone snails. I'm not sure if that is what these are but always be careful when buying marine critters. There are many dangerous things in the ocean and the last thing we need is injuries due to lack of info. If these are cone snails(I don't believe they are) I would recommend staying away from them as they can be deadly to humans.
The pics also look like whelks which hunt down snails and eat them.
