4 fish died, i don't know why?

MY tank is doing well hasn't had a fish die for about 2-3 weeks, the one fish i thought might die, but the other three died for no reason. My ammonia is 0 and so is my nitrites. the fish that died were 1 hatchet, 2 neons, and 1 female guppy. It's odd i know there was a disease going throughout my tnak 2 weeks ago, but could it stay this long nad not affect any fish for 2 weeks?:confused:

Oct 22, 2002
Sorry I hear that Adam but I know how you feel! I have lost 12 rasboras, 4 dwarf rainbow, 4 angola barbs in the last two years. Oddly enough, the discus, otos and cardinals are fine (this could be due to high temps of 84-88F however). The problem with diseases is that any and every fish could be a carrier of the disease. It is not necessary to show symptons however the disease will reproduce/multiply and affect other fish. Slowly the disease will weaken the immune system and kill the fish one by one. Sometimes diseases can go dormant for weeks. Its a really tough game I guess. The best to do is not to add anymore fish. If and when all your fish have died, sadly to say, do not add any more fish for 4-6 weeks. I know, it sounds absurd and crazy having a tank without fish however after 4-6 weeks, most diseases will pass because of no host to survive on. One word of caution though. If you have snails, they can also be carriers.