4 new cories - feeding question

May 5, 2005
I purchased 4 new cories 3 days ago. The first challenge was identifying them when I got home. They are the black-spotted cories (like spooted, schwartz, schultz, etc.). They have no black "mask". The best I can figure, from looking at Planet Catfish, is that they are Schultz's Cories.

Anyway, they do not seem to be feeding. I've tried dropping shrimp pellets right in front of their face with very limited interest shown. I've put blanched lettuce in the tank with no interest shown. Do you think they are still becoming acclimated? Or maybe they are feeding when I am not watching? When I had cories years ago the shrimp pellets would cause a feeding frenzy among them. Any ideas?



Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
The Cories that you have are most likely either Spotted Cories or Julii Cories. They both look a lot a like. Post a pic and we can help more. Your Cories will eat the food that sinks to the bottom. And the reason that you have never seen them eat is becuase they are always swimming around poking at the bottom, so when they are actually eating you dont see any change in behavior. If your Cories are alive the chances are pretty high that they are eating :). I feed all my fish brine shrimp, bloodworms, tropical flakes, and sinking wafers (and soon they will be getting platy fry). Remember that a varied diet is good for fish.


Medium Fish
Jun 17, 2005
Las Vegas, NV, USA
They're probably just acclimating. My corys LOVE algae wafers. They ate from the moment I got them (the algae wafers were for the pleco, but he doesn't like them and they do), but I think every fish/set of fish have different acclimation times. Mine nibble at shrimp pellets and Hikari "Sinking Wafers", but will abandon them once an algae wafer hits the bottom. You may want to try them too. I feed frozen food 1-2x a week (bloodworms, tubiflex worms, brine shrimp), but I don't know how much actually makes it to the corys. Mine don't like fresh veggies though (or blanched).


Small Fish
Apr 25, 2005
my cories only eat at night, or when the light is off, if i do see them out in the tank when the light is on and i go near them they freak, but occasionally i will see them nibling on some sinking pellets i put in there, that is if the platies dont get to it first.... lol

May 9, 2005
West Haven, CT
I agree with chichian, they are probalby getting used to things, this may take a week or 2. Sinc eyou have a group, it should be quicker. Try feeding at different times, or with the light off, remove anything uneaten. They can go a time without food, maybe hunger will encourage them;)
