45 gal stocking plan, revisited


Small Fish
Jun 2, 2004
Visit site
Hi everybody,
My 45 gal tank has finally finished cycling, and more importantly, I finally have $$ to stock it with.

I had posted on here awhile ago, to get a stocking plan figured out. This is what you all helped me come up with:
6 zebra danios
1 long fin anglefish
1 dwarf gourami
5 Julii cories
1 bristlenose pleco
6 black neon tetras

Here's the problem: I went to my lfs this past weekend (petsmart), and they didn't have longfin angles (but they did have regular angles), zebra danios or bristlenosed plecos.

I know that a regular pleco will get way too big for my tank. Do you have any suggestions on what to put in instead?

Would a regular angle beat up the other fish, or would it be okay to put in?

Any suggestions for a fish simmilar to zebra danios (size, disposition) that may be more common?



Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
I'm really surprised they didn't have the zebra danios as they are probably amongh the most popular and easy fish. Did you ask them if the would be getting any or do they just not stock them at all? Also, look for other types of danios, my petsmart usually has leopards, long-fin blues, etc.

It might be easier to help you find alternatives if we knew what they had. You could try looking around if you see something that catches your fancy, just write it down and post it here.


Small Fish
Jun 2, 2004
Visit site
Okay, I went to Petsmart last night, and this is what I came home with:
6 zebra danios
1 dwarf gourami
5 albino cories
6 neon tetras

Would it be okay to add a regular (not a longfin) angle to this mix? How about a Raphael catfish?


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2006
Syracuse, Ny
i like otto for any tank he is very dilligent.. but pleccy dwarfs him... cant wait till the end of the year when i give pleccy a bigger home... and i think any angel would work...
and the raph gets about 5-7 inch u should be fine id think

Sep 16, 2005
i don't think the raphael is a good idea. they may grow to 8.5".. much too big for your 45 imo.

if you are getting an angel, i don't really see the difference between picking a plain one over a long-finned one. the only thing to worry about is that he will eat your neons when he is big enough. it will probably take him a long while to get big enough to do this, but be ready to replace the neons with larger tetras that cannot be made into snacks when he does!

does your petsmart carry the rubberlip plecos? they are a dwarf species like the bn's (despite what the info card in-store might say, this kind does NOT get to be two feet long!) and are really cute algae-suckers. PlanetCatfish :: Cat-eLog :: Loricariidae :: Chaetostoma cf_thomsoni