45 gallon tank Help?

Aug 24, 2008
New york
im new here ( first post)

i got a 45 gallon tank with a 10 inch oscar and a 4 inch plec* and a 4 inch crayfish

im selling the oscar soon (sadface)
and i was wondering what fish i could put in the tank with the cray and plec*
im lookin for 2-3 cool fish that eat goldfish or minnows (oscar did it)
and yea so please help me out cuz thats what gud people in a forum do ...!!.

If you can find a specimen grown out enough so the crayfish cant eat it , maybe a leopard bushfish. Ive heard their hunting rituals are very entertaining.BTW your pleco will get huge if its a common pleco and has a high bioload . It will mess more than it will clean.You could go with a bristlenose or one of the smaller plecos.There are quite a few possibilities you could entertain.What kind of fish interest you? A fish that is entertaining to some could be boring to another.Do you like top dwellers or mid dwellers (u already have the bottom dwellers covered) colorful fish or cool patterned fish,active fish or chill fish that rarely leave their favorite spot? Its always good to put alot of thought into it because its all about what will keep you interested.

Aug 24, 2008
New york
im thinking of getting a rope fish, and 2 convict cichlids or sumthing small of the type,
will these fish get along toghether?

and if i get a rope and a convict can i fit like 3 tiger barbs with them? its a 45 gallon so please help a brotha out.! *SUNSMILE*

Aug 24, 2008
mid usa
my advice to you is get rid of all animals in your set up and get african malawi cichlids. ive had your setup and the headache is not worth it. the pleco will get very big very fast and just sits there but ocasionally he would jump up and hit the hood hard like he wanted out. on the other hand the blue crayfish i had would constantly try to escape and he will get agressive to even pleco.


Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
Roark is right about the barbs. The suggested school is really around 5...but thats a minimuim 8-10 is a better plan. The barbs is small groups like to go around and annoy/attack the other fish in the tank.

Also make sure you dont have any long finned fish in the tank. Barbs like to nip.

Feb 25, 2008
Savage, MN
Actually if you have them in groups of 4 they should be fine. I have had no problems with tiger barbs nipping at my long-finned fish either. They pretty much hung out by themselves and didn't bother any of my other fish.

You seem to have alot going on at the bottom of your tank . Adding three high waste bottom dwellers limits your options with the rest of the tank. Cons grow to a good size and as with all cichlids can be nasty during spawning. Not sure if i would feel comfortable mixing much with 2 cons in a 45 unless you have another tank cycled and ready in case the drama starts. Ive just started keeping severums and kribs recently and they are great.Alot less agg. then other cichlids and would do great in a 45. Also ive heard electric yellow labs are a good starter cichlid and they are also very beautiful fish.

Aug 24, 2008
New york
so u would recomend getting rid of the plec and the crayfish and gettin some severums,?

what kind of chichlids should i add that are around in a LFS.

edit:i just looked up Severums, they got a foot long i cant have 2 foot long fish in a 45 gallon-_-


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The yellow labs are usually at the local petsmart if your near one of them. Most novelty fish stores that carry exotics should have the severums and the yellow labs. Have you thought about a senegal bichir? They max out at 12 inches and are alot more interesting to watch than the ropefish.The crayfish would probably have to go but it would be worth it.

Aug 24, 2008
New york
i would like to get a couple. like 4-8 small chichlids. like dwarfs,

what breeds are there out there that are small beautifull and still the guppy eating badasses that cichlids are,

and also would i be able to have like a coryduros or some **** in thier with em, ide like to keep the tank a lil clean,

i dont wanna turn the tank salt either, thank you all!!