Hey. I am thinking about setting up my 5 gallon freshwater aquarium. What kind of filter should i get? I had it up before, and didnt have a filter, but i had an air tube thing. SHould i get a filter or can i just stick with the air tube thingy?
The AC Mini would work well for this tank. The flow rate can be adjusted on the Mini to solve the potential problem of too much water flow. In fact I think it is one of the only brands to make their "mini" with adjustable flow rates . . . AC is realy cool in that regard.
Either an AC Mini or an Azoo Palm filter with the flow turned down somewhat would work. How far you turn the flow rate down depends on what kind of fish you have in the tank. I have no experience with swordtails or black mollys but I think either of these filters adjusted properly would work well.