5 gal

Jul 31, 2003
Clemson, SC
Im thinking about starting up a 5 gallon aquarium. Any suggestions about wat i should put in it? I dont have any fish that look liek they are going to have babies anytime soon, however i have a baby marble platy that could go in, but what else could go in it?


Large Fish
Jul 16, 2003
Aurora, IL
a couple or three dwarf gourami's might be ok if you keep the water clean.

or there's always the old standby, the betta (who would love that size of tank!)

small school of guppies?

or for some real fun, fill it partway with water, get a good cover, and put some fiddler crabs in it. fiddlers are cool (IMO), just make sure you give them a rock to sit on thats out of the water.....
if you put a 2 males and 1-2 females, the males will dance and pose to impress the females

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
I think a few dwarf gouramis would not necessaraly be too big of a bioload on a 5g, but the fish would just simpley not have enough room! I would advise against that.

The guppy idea is good, as are the fiddler crabs, but I'm not sure how much room crabs need. Maybe if you set it up right with proper places to hide and bask a few would be okay.

I'm not sure how experianced you are as an aquarist, but there are many more advanced things you could do in a 5g. Such as gobies or killifish.


Large Fish
Jul 1, 2003
Chicago, Illinois
If you want something slightly more exotic, then get a few endler's livebearers, say 3 males and 2 females (males generally have much better coloration than females). awesome fish that only get to be an inch big and can't eat their babies because it's physically impossible. they're a little hard to find in fish stores, at least that's been my case, but they have them over at http://www.liveaquaria.com for around 3.50 USD. they love planted aquariums, and are VERY hardy fish. not to mention, they're extremely beautiful. You couldn't ask for an easier fish.

What about gobies and killifish? I'm experienced and I was thinking about a 5 gallon too.

My initial idea for a 5 gallon would of course be green neons...obviously. And a pair of ottos. And some shrimp...cool shrimp...not ghost shrimp.

I hope my opinion is halfway are at least slightly helpful =).

Check out the rate my tank forum. There is a surprisingly nice 5 gallon in there.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Killifish are small yet surprisingly beautiful fish that are good for more experianced aquarists. Most of the time they required live or frozen food and are probably more picky about their water conditions(not sure in that one, but I just figure). Since they are small fish with long little bodies you a,most have to keep them in a 15g tank or under. Otherwise you would'nt be able to moniter there development. Check out this site: www.aka.org

I don't know a lot about gobies, but I do know that a lot of people set-up a 5 or 10 mini brackish water tank for bumble bee gobies. They are very very small and I think territorial?? I though about do this myself.
Anyway maybe someone on this site that has a set up like this can add more info....

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Hey FishMan, you might be able to get your LFS to order some fish for you. Wether it be endlers or whatever else. I have had places tell me that they can try and order anything. I would give it a try.