5 gallon overstocked?


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Hey Ya'll,

I have a 5 gallon hex and in it I have a giant golden apple snail, tiny AFD, flame dwarf gourami and a tiny oto. It's moderatly planted and the plants get renewed every couple months as I've got thumbs of death and couldn't keep a petrified fern from dying. Bio-wheel filter and I currently do water changes every Friday.

Anyway, I don't know how many inches are aloted to the snail. I have no plans for fishie additions but I will be getting some plant cuttings from a friend to add (and ultimately kill) soon.

No flames please, just need to know if I should increase water changes to 2 weekly or take someone out.



Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
I think the best way to know if you need to increase water changes would be to test your water. If the Nitrates are getting high 1/2 way between water changes, then it's probably time to step it up to 2x a week.


Medium Fish
Apr 22, 2006
You could be overstocked. Test your water though. Like hyunelan2 said, if half-way through the week, your amonia is not 0, and your nitrites 0, then you are overstocked, (providing it's an established tank - 2 months or more) and need more frequent water changes.

The alternative to twice a week water changes would be a bigger tank..... if you'd like an excuse.....;)

From what I understand from my reading here, it's not so terrible to be overstocked a bit, as long as you're willing to do the extra water changes.


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
First off i dont think hex tanks are good for any living creatures. I would say that you are overstocked definetly!! Increasing water changes can be done. But that wont keep them happy. Dont be offended but according to me A HEX tank does not matter how big it is. Its Just not an optimum enviroment for any creature.


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Thanks for the replies everyone. I have been keeping an eye all the parameters since the addition of the gourami and so far so good. I've never actually seen a 'cycle' in this tank but ammonia and nitrites are always zero. I'll continue to keep an eye on the nitrates tho, especially with my inability to keep plants in a living state.

Panther28, normally I would agree with you but I selected the creatures I have specifically for the hex tank. The snail doesn't swim around, he just cruises around the walls, filter intake, rock and plants so he's not adversly affected. Frog, goes up, floats for a while, goes down, lounges for a while. He obviously hasn't been adversly affected by the hex. The oto, he just wants to hang on the walls and rock and the snail and by the looks of sparkly clean tank, I'd say he's pretty happy. The Gourami is the only one that I would question but everything I've read of them and have been told by people who own them is that they don't need a lot of surface to swim back and forth. Mine hangs around the surface making bubble nests or plays peek-a-boo in the plants most of the time. When he does swim, he tends to swim up and down. Don't know if that's normal or not though...


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Hex tanks aren't the greatest for stocking because there is less surface area, but I think your choice of fish is fine for the tank. I have a 7 gallon hex with a male betta, but he did have 5 neon tetra buddies and a couple of otos. I did weekly water changes and nitrates were fine. Now he's all by himself and he seems to be lonely so I might have to give him some friends.

Like everyone else said, keep an eye on your nitrate levels and water change accordingly :)


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Central NY, USA
I think your tanks sounds ok, do as the others have said about watching closely. Seems to me you thought your stock through fairly well.

I have 2- 5 gallon tanks that are techically hexagons but they are flat-backed & nearly as long as a 10gal. & not very tall. All hex tanks are not equal. Yes, for the most part longer is better than taller, I agree.

Sep 16, 2005
imo it sounds like you're at your max limit, but not overstocked. the snail doesn't really add to the bioload, and otos don't do much either (i don't have any experience with adfs, but i don't imagine them being super poop machines).

making sure you don't overfeed will most likely be enough to ensure water quality rather than doubling up on water changes. of course, if you're willing and able to do both, by all means. :)

sort of related to the previous posts, but not really regarding the stocking:

I can see the gourami pulling a milton, so to speak, and going through a period of rage because he feels like he's not getting enough space. people usually get away with putting bettas in hex tanks because they are very lazy little buggers and don't need as much surface area to swim. your gourami might be equally lazy, in which case you're okay, but you should always be prepared for the worst.