there is a 5 gallon fish tank at my lfs and theyer selling it for $99. it comes with the live rock and everything i need except the fish corals and powerheads. is this a good deal or should i find a differnt tank?*BOUNCINGS
i dont really know but it is a 50/50 light. they have it set up with fish corals and everything in it except the have no powerheads. there is a filter on it to be used a a mini refugium. it looks verry good and its been set up for a month. they said nothing has died in it including corals. its just when you buy it they will take out the corals and fish.
i would find out how many pounds of sand, and LR are in there, and find the wattage of the light before deciding. also is the LR actually quality? is the tank rectangular?
i have no clue. ill find out next time i go but wuld it be a good deal? if the light was good and the rock was good. is poris better than dence or the other way arround? and howmanny watts would be good too?
i definitely think you should go with a bigger tank as your first one... but i'd say about 30 watts or better would be okay-ish. and the more porous the better. dense is bad.
To be honest I really wouldnt pay that for a 5 gallon.... try to go as big as you realistically can fit/afford. The 30 would be a much better choice. Alot more water and options to work with.
you have many options in a tank that size.......clowns, pygmy angels, gobies, name it. Just stay away from larger fish that need the linear length for swimming such as tangs and triggers.
oh and what every you do, don't rush out and buy a clown and any anemone until your tank is well established and has a sufficient lighting system in place. Many marine animals require a well established tank that is if in doubt, come here and get some advice BEFORE you buy it.
You could have very few fish in 30 gallon...but you can get alot of corals. Clownfish, gobies, chromis, blenny, cardinals, royal gramma just to name a few smaller fish. Of coarse not all in there together. Clownfish are sold really small and they grow fairly slow, royal gramma dosen't get more than a couple inches as well as cardinal. Here is some info on them: Check out information about some of them on this website: Saltwater Fish - Pet Solutions