5 week new tank


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
what's up everyone. I have a fairly new 20 gallon tank (it's long) about 30x10x10 or something like that, as seen in my avatar. Got 7 TBs and a RTshark in it right now, was thinking I might have room for one more fish (don't know what I want if I did). This set up has been fun, but I'm also thinking of adding some slate and maybe 1 more piece of driftwood (have 1 in right now). I'll add pix of my updated tank when I am home. Currently feeding Shrimp pellets/flakes/frozen blood dried wyrms. I also put a lid on the tank for fear that the RTshark might actually jump out (it was swimming up and down the walls when I first put it in).

***Can I do african frogs *** crabs, snails, or anything of that nature?

SUGGESTIONS! I'm hoping I can manage this tank for a year, and if I can, I will then move on to a 50+ gallon because I'm really hype about starting up a Ciclid tank.

Jun 21, 2008
Hi jo3olous, I haven't had frogs, crabs, snails with fish, but my general understanding is that crabs will attack any fish they can catch. With your TBs and shark, that might not be a problem, but it's something to consider. I think snails would probably be fine, but I'm not sure. Here's a page on ADFs, hope some of that helps. Robyn's Aquarium Frogs Page
I was also going to say that it sounds like with your set up you don't have any sort of lighting fixture on your tank, since you just added a lid to prevent jumpers. You may want to look into some sort of specific aquarium lighting, so that the fish can get a normal 10 to 12 hours of "daylight" and have a day and night cycle instead of just whatever light may be on in the room. This will also make the fish look better, and help with any plants you may try to grow. Just my 2 cents.

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Jun 21, 2008
I just noticed that there is a strangely similar thread on the Freshwater General Discussion page called Tiger Barbs and African Clawed Frog, or something very similar. I would suggest you both check each other's out periodically for answers.

Aug 6, 2008
Hey I was the one who posted the acf and barb thread...i just put 3 tiger barbs in with my African Clawed Frog (which is very different from an african dwarf frog, much more aggressive...) and i was worried that the barbs would terrorize my froggie, but so far so good. If you were to get an african dwarf, i would worry that he may be a bit too passive for the barbs and they may nip and chase him...not sure tho im new to barbs...*twirlysmi


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I tried crabs when I first set up my tanks...I still dont know where they went.. The fact is the crabs you see at petstores are either fiddler and (i believe) red claw..both of these are semi aquatic and need access to land, they are masters of escape as well.

Beware of african CLAWED frogs with fish they will eat anything they can fit in there mouths..I learned this the hard way as well.