55 gal. Questions?

Jan 17, 2003
New York
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I have a 55 gallon tank thats been up and running for about a year and a half. It has a 200 watt ebo jager heater(it works ok, a little trouble) and an Eheim Filter (2013 or 2213). Ive got 6 tiger barbs (gotta luv those things) 2 gouramis (blue and gold) 5 assorted danios, a pleco and an irridescent shark i think(about a foot long), a convict, a rosy barb, and a black line tetra i think. Regular light setup. Just a plain old hooded one. It was used when i got it. It has a neutral PH and amazingly everything is doing well. I want to finally start planting it with live fish and maybe add a few more fish. Right now all I have are like two Giant Hygros?? . The leaves seem to be falling off and some have holes in them. Any suggestions for the tank? Anybody know anything about CO2 systems or the mineral deal.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Your planting it with live fish huh? :D hehe, you'll hafta upgrade your lighting, to keep most varietys of plants, or even bother with co2, but, if it's not in your budget, I understand. Then, I'd say look into crypts, vals, anubais, java moss, java fern, hornwort, and dwarf sag. They should do ok in low light and will give you a nice variety of different plants, along with some major nutient sucking varietys. You might want to add some plan sticks under the vals, crypts and dwarf sag, and add a little ferts for the hornwort, but it shouldn't need it.. Sounds like a nice setup you have there. Watch out tho, tiger barbs are known to eat plants.