Prices seem to get lower and lower each time I go to a diff store!
1st store: Tank only, 250
2nd: Tank + Stand, 250 (I forgot the name, but I can look it up next time I go)
3rd (petsmart): Tank 100 Stand 90
Now, so far I am leaning toward Petsmart because its cheap. Is topfin a good brand to use? I would rather spend my money on a better brand if it really is better. But, if there is no difference in all tanks, then I will happily get the topfin brand!
I dont think I can get any lower than that
1st store: Tank only, 250
2nd: Tank + Stand, 250 (I forgot the name, but I can look it up next time I go)
3rd (petsmart): Tank 100 Stand 90
Now, so far I am leaning toward Petsmart because its cheap. Is topfin a good brand to use? I would rather spend my money on a better brand if it really is better. But, if there is no difference in all tanks, then I will happily get the topfin brand!
I dont think I can get any lower than that