fishy (or dude) --
Sounds good to me. I love apistos myself, but at the time am only keeping Apisto. Panduro, and some similarly peaceful/docile Bolivian Rams (Microgeophagus Altispinosa?), "Smile Cichlids" (Laetacara Dorsigera), and Checkerboard Cichlids (Dicrossus Filementosa).
I'm not an expert by any means, but I think that an apisto community tank will need a sufficient number of territories for the various types. I like Cockatoos, Borellii, and Agasizii -- relatively common apistos -- but my Panduros have nice coloration. Beyond apistos and the other dwarves I noted above, I think those Golden Eye Cichlids (Nannacara Annomola) would be a good addition. Check out for ideas/info.
As you've probably already read, apistos will need softer, lower pH water, as well as heaters if you're in a cool place. You might want some good driftwood or bogwood, as well as some peat moss to help you with the water conditions.
As I noted, I'm no authority at all, but if you haven't picked up the tank yet, a 40 gallon long might work out better -- I think that shy S.A. dwarf cichlids don't make that much use out of the top of a tall tank, preferring the lower portions. Also, a "long" tank would allow much greater light penetration for vigorous plant growth, which would make the apistos/dwarves pretty happy.
Good luck, and make sure to take some pictures for everybody here to see.