55 gallon filter question


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
ok, so I have my new 55 gallon up and running and cycling. But the standard top only allows the filter to be hung from either the MOST left hand side, like right up against the wall of the tank, or on the right side, like 8 inches from the right hand side. It isn't anwhere near the middle of the tank where I would like it to be, it seems like half the tank is not getting the flow and intake from the filter. I will try to take a picture and post it but my batteries are dead in my digital camera right now. Imagine tis is the tank and the ** is where the filter suction tube is located:
is this ok for filtration?? It seems like there is a lot of dead water on the other end, although I put a bubble wall on the other left hand side to circulate the water.


Medium Fish
Dec 22, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
What about getting some tubing, connect this to the pumps inlet/outlet, and lay it under the gravel and have it coming out over the other side of the tank.
This way you will be getting a sort of current from one side to the other. This should FORCE the water from one side to the other.


Large Fish
Jul 17, 2004
Visit site
i had the same problem w/ my 55g until I purchased a powerhead from aquaclear. The powerhead is on the left of my tank and the filter is on the far right. Now I get movement throughout the whole surface. just shut the filter off when you're feeding your fish.