55 Gallon/How many fish


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ok, I'm trying to figure out if I have too many fish in my tank. I've read so many different things (1" per gallon rule, that rule does not go if you have good filtration, etc.) that I'm just going to ask the question.

I have a 55 gallon tank with the following fish. I'm using a Marineland Penguin Emperor 280 and a Top Fin 30 (170 GPH) from the 20 gallon I upgraded from. I will eventually be getting the Marineland Penguin Emperor 400 to replace the Top Fin. So eventually I will go from 450 GPH to 680 GPH.

All of the fish are smaller than several inches right now, but realize the loaches may get up to 12", the plecostomus up to 24", etc. Will the plecostomus actually get up to 24"? I've read where it will only grow to the size it feels it will fit in it's environment. Is this true for all fish? If so, anyone have experience with the plecostomus growing in 55 gallon tanks and the size they grow to? Anyway, here is the list. Thanks.

Pictus Catfish - 1
Neon Tetra - 3
Glow Light Tetra - 3
Clown Loach - 3
Upside Down Catfish - 2
Zebra Danio - 7
Red Wag High Fin Platy - 2
Tiger Barb - 6
Plecostomus - 1

It's not so much the filtration as the waterchanges, the frequency and size of them.

Yes the plec could possibly get to 24". but the size isn't the real issue here. They are massive poo producers. you're on the right track as far as the filtration is concerned, but just remember that filtration isn't a substitute for waterchanges.

Your stocking level is probably OK for now. BUT the clowns and the plec will tax even the best filtration in the years to come.

Waht is the waterchange schedule? How much and how often? For example, 65g with 2x AC500s, 1 Fluval 404, 1 Hagen 302 Powerhead with quickfilter, 21 adult and juvie mbunasm 1 14" plec, and about 10 fry under an inch. Without 2xweekly 40% waterchanges the nitrates get over 40ppm.

I use nitrates as a general guide as to if I'm doing enough maintenance. Under 20 is best, under 40 is OK

Oct 22, 2002
i think you are ok but i wouldnt add any more. i have had a pleco for a few years and it has only gotton to about 4in so far.  I think it takes a long time to get to 24in.....and even if it was to get too big for your tank some pet stores will let you trade it in for a smaller one.