55 Gallon Stocking Suggestions Please?!


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
*GOLDFISH* do any of you have any suggestions for a 55 gallon tank with 7 zebra danios, 1 pearl danio, 1 female guppy, and 2 platies. could you put a betta, a pair (male and female) of kribs, tiger barbs, BN plecos, and dwarf rainbows.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!! Would they get along? would it be overstocked?


Large Fish
Aug 15, 2009
One thing I can say is that you can't pair bettas... I do not know their breeding habits, but I am relativley sure that they lay eggs and the male then fertilizes. But I know that a male will kill any betta, male or female... So you are in community tanks? I don't know, hmm... I have 6 mollies, 3 tiger barbs, one cori cat fish (juli variety) two sword tails, and two fancy tail guppies...


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
The trademark aggression of bettas is generally between males. Males and females can be paired but you will never know if the male will accept the female or reject her. However this is no issue here, as the pair was for the kribs I believe. Bettas, like gouramis, breed in bubble nests constructed by the male from bits of plants and his own bubbles.

I'll try and work out if this would cause over stocking using "one inch of fully grown fish per gallon" which, though contraversial, does help to stock a safe amount of fish:

7 zebra danios, 7inches, 7 gallons.
1 pearl, 2 inches, now 9 gallons.
1 guppy, one inch, now 10 gallons.
2 platies, 4 inch, now 14 gallons.
1 betta, 2 inches, now 16 gallons.
2 kribs, 8 inches, now 24 gallons.
6 (nice shoal number) tiger barbs, 12 inches, now 36 gallons.
1 BN pleco, 6 inches, now 42 gallons.
6 dwarf rainbows, 2 inches, now 54 gallons.

From that (the ones you didn't specify numbers for I put the ideal or minimal situation), you're just in in terms of stocking. HOWEVER;

Bettas + tiger barbs DO NOT MIX. The better's fins would become breakfast for the barbs. I'd suggest either replacing the barbs or the betta, personally I'd go with the barbs and buy some of the less nippy types, there are quite a few, or maybe have a larger shoal of rainbows, if you got 12 overall that'd be a lovely shoal.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
i also have a bumblebee goby that i plan to move from another tank. Oh! and i have 2 corie cats in there too.
Would they work out ok?

Sep 6, 2009
I have a male betta in a 10 gal tank. It was my 1st tank so I was nervous about adding fish. After breaking in the tank, i added 6 other small non-aggresive communtity fish and they all get along great! I'm upgrading to a 75 gallon tank cause now I'm hooked. Let me know how your fish do and what you add. I know you can't put 2 males togther. You can add one betta. For stimulation you can put a mirror in front of the betta and he will think another male is in his terrority, the foo-man-choo comes down and he gets all excited, it pretty cool. Hence the name Siamesse Fighting Fish


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Bumblebee gobies so best in brackish (i.e slightly salty) water, but if it's thrived without it soo far it should be ok. They're quite aggressive to their own kinda though so you could only have the one.

The cory cats would be a nice addition, but I'd buy a couple more, they like to be in groups.

Sep 6, 2009
i would not put a beta in w/ tiger barbs or any other "nipping" or terroritorial types. But one male will play well with others. My 10 gal. has a male betta, 3 black neon tetras, 2 mickey mouse playtas, and one orange neon, and an algae eater.


Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
One thing I can say is that you can't pair bettas... I do not know their breeding habits, but I am relativley sure that they lay eggs and the male then fertilizes. But I know that a male will kill any betta, male or female...QUOTE]

I think the poster meant a pair of Kribs. Not bettas. And they don't kill everything. You can house a male and female together for breeding. The eggs are fertilized first and when she lays them he catches them in his mouth/picks them up from the bottom and places them in his bubble nest.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
One thing I can say is that you can't pair bettas... I do not know their breeding habits, but I am relativley sure that they lay eggs and the male then fertilizes. But I know that a male will kill any betta, male or female...QUOTE]

I think the poster meant a pair of Kribs. Not bettas. And they don't kill everything. You can house a male and female together for breeding. The eggs are fertilized first and when she lays them he catches them in his mouth/picks them up from the bottom and places them in his bubble nest.
No he was correct in adding a pair of bettas can cause problems with each other and possible the barbs. A bigger school of the barbs or rainbows would be better. Also kribs are kind of aggressive so you'll have to be careful with that one.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
Hi guys! I currently have in the tank:
1 female swordtail
2 platies
2 cories
1 florida flag fish
3 boesmani rainbows
7 zebra danios
1 pearl danio
1 female guppy
1 skunk loach
I plan on taking the skunk loach back because he's a bully! And i'm not sure what to do with the flag fish because he follows my rainbows around and occasionally pecks them but other wise he's fine. My rainbows don't like it though.
What should i do with him?
Could i add anything else?