55g Amazon / South America Comm Tank


New Fish
Feb 15, 2009
Southern California
My tank is currently cycling and I am now considering what I will stock the tank with. Originally I wanted to do Discus but I have since decided to have more of a variety. I want to stay with Amazon type conditions with a water temp around 81 degrees and neutral ph. It is fully planted with drift wood and some rocks. Here is what I am thinking:

A school of Cardinal Tetra or Black Skirt - Maybe half and half of both
couple Cory Cats
2/4 Angel - Koi perhaps
considering Blue Ram/Green Terror/Bavarian Ram??? - No experience here

Looking for some suggestions and ideas from those with experience with this type of community.

Love this site ... glad I found it. Thanks in advance for your help and ideas.

Jun 21, 2008
For the record, even though jo3olous's post wasn't as helpful as it could be (;)) He's right, you should not put a green terror in that tank. This is a case where the name is fitting, and they're called terror for a reason. Everything else seems ok. I would stick to the 1" of fish (adult size) per gallon rule, at least until you get the hang of things. As far as your tetras, just know that the cardinals and black skirts probably won't school together, so make sure you get enough of each for them to form their own school. Also, I have a German Blue Ram in my community tank with what I think is a Koi Angel (they weren't labeled as far as type) and they never bother each other, or anyone else for that matter. There is a possibility that the angels might eventually snack on the cardinals, but I got my angel small hoping that by the time he actually gets big enough to eat them he'll be used to them/not realize he's now big enough. The only other thing I would mention is that the German Blue Rams do much better in an established tank than a newly set up one. I lost a few and kept replacing them because the other one seemed lonely. Now I just have one and he seems to be doing well. But I have heard that the Bolivians can be more hardy. Hope this helps.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
lol sorry for the useless comment, your tank idea actually sounded really nice until i noticed that possible combination, which would be a shock to me. I don't think green terrors do well in many community tanks unless the tanks are really big and so are its tankmates... so other than that i have no input really it sounds like a good idea


New Fish
Feb 15, 2009
Southern California
Thanks .... I have no expierence with the Ram's or Green Terror but was recently turned on to them through this and other sites. Thanks for the input. BTW ... the Ram's (if that's the direction I go) will not go in for a couple of months at least. Any other suggestions to schooling fish instead of Cardinals or Black Skirt? I thought the coloring of schooling Cardinals with a fully planted tank would look pretty good.


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
cardinals do look really good in schools because they are so vibrant, i think the Ram will do fine in your tank .... you could school platies, mollies, cherry barbs, hatchets - i think the cardinals will be the most striking though


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
If you want to keep a South American theme, tetras would be your best choice. I have neons mixed with green neons, and (I think) they look nice in my 100g with my bolivian and german rams.

Jun 21, 2008
I love my cardinals. I have a black background and they do look very striking up against it. By the way, jo3olous, I was just messing with you, I understood the comment, but I also understood how someone new might not have enough information to work with. I've also had black skirts in the past, and they're kind of cool too. It's up to you whether you want to stick with the tetras or not. The other options jo3olous provided are good ones if you decide not to stay with the SA theme, except the platys and mollies are livebearers and will overpopulate quickly if you don't somehow control that. I have also noticed that my platys don't really school so much as sometimes hang out near each other, if that makes sense, but they do come in really great colors and are good temperament wise. Sounds like you're on the right track.