55gal filter

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I posted something about this a while back and its gone. I am days away from buying filters for my 55 and need advice.

I know i want a canister.

I saw the Marineland HOT Mag. It said you could just vacum right into the canister and then rinse the cartridge. Would i be better off going to like an Eheim pro?

I also think i want a AC500. I have heard that a AC500 and canister are a deadly combination (good way)

so.... what do you all suggest?


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
down with hot magnums! J/k :) .

they are actually a pretty good little filter, but are really only good for clean-ups IMO.

this question depends upon what you want in a filter.

the aquaclear filters are all great, and they are also low cost and easy to work with. the aquaclear 300 or 500 would be great and i would run multiple sponges instead of the carbon.

the emperor 400 would make a great filter for you too, though it is a fraction more expensive and a litte more expensive to maintain. however, i think that the quality is also a little better on these.

for a canister i would go eheim or filstar.

to save a little money, go for the filstar or the eheim ecco--both of which are great filters.

for "top of the line" go for eheim pro II.

and yes, a canister and a large power filter are a great combo on a 55 gallon......top notch.

in all honesty, i would probably go with the larger of the eheim eccos, and an aquaclear 300 or 500.

Sep 12, 2003
Springfield, MO
What are you planning to put in the tank. If you are doing africans the ac500 and the pro II would be great if not excesive. The only problems with the ac 500 is it is noisy. I am very picky and the only HOB filters that are quiet enough are the penguin filters. I use a 330 and a 170 on my 55 with south americans and it is crystal. I think that pet warehouse.com has a sale going on on the penguins. Have fun.