6,735 gallon tank Needs home... suggestions?

Jun 9, 2010
Hello, this is not a for sale ad, it is a question, so please dont remove this. I am a building contractor and I have a client with a 6,735 gallon tank (I believe). It is obviously HUGE. They had small sharks in it among other things.

The client wants the tank removed. It is possible for it to be transported via a large stakebed truck so I am trying to look for a buyer. Where do you all think I would have the best luck finding a buyer. Another question for you all, what would you think in regards to price. I am sure this tank cost upwards of 30k to install when it was new, but I dont even know about that. I am not an aquarium guy... just a contractor and don't deal with this sort of thing from day to day.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. I am just hoping I find a buyer or else I'll end up just having to cut the thing up and put it in a dumpster which I don't want to do.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I suppose that highly depends what it is constructed out of and whether it is moveable or not. I know many large tanks are not really something that COULD be moved...

Whoever built it would have a better idea of what it would take to move it...