6 gallon (23 litre) stocking - neon tetra?


New Fish
Jul 8, 2015
Hi all,

I've read so many things now about how to populate my tank, I've got a little confused as one person will say one thing, another site then completely contradicts it! The joys of the internet I guess. Anyway, I have seen from other posts on here that you guys generally know your stuff, so I wanted to ask:

What kind of fish would go in my new Fluval Edge 6 gallon tank?

I've got a couple of plants and hiding ornaments already in there, and it's been running about 2 weeks now without any fish in there. I'd really like some Neon Tetras, and I've read they are good in schools - I probably won't get 6 though, as that will fill up the tank (using the 3cm:1litre rule recommended by the tank manual). I was also thinking of tuxedo swordtails?

Can anyone suggest a good combination of fish so that I hopefully have maybe 4 or 5 neons and something else in there?


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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Swordtails get too big for a smaller tank like that (imagine a 3-4 inch fish in your tank).

Neons would work. They tend to be somewhat frail when you first get them, so make sure the tank is fully cycled before adding them.

There isn't a whole lot of room afterwards. You could do something like a snail or two (nerite snails won't breed and overpopulate), or a smaller fish that prefers to be solitary. A sparkling gourami is a cool little nano fish, only gets to about an inch and a half. Or a honey gourami, gets a little bigger but possibly easier to find. Female betta would be another option - also could be a wide range of colors with her.


New Fish
Jul 8, 2015
Thanks capslock - now all I have to do is see if those fish are in my local fish shop. Looks like they could be pretty good if the rest of the internet is to be believed. I'll let you know how I get on :)