6 gallon journal - I'm back!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Yes, you read correctly, after two long and dark years without fish I am finally, DEFINITELY getting back into fish keeping.

As many of you will know I've been planning this for a few weeks and have finally settled on a tank - a 6 gallon hex. The plan is as follows:

6 gallon hex tank
Double sponge filter (to avoid a strong current and for ease in the small space)
50w heater
Clip-on LED lamp

I'll be making slight modifications to the tank - I'll be replacing the lid with a codensation tray so I can use the clip-on light and get as much natural light in as possible. To do this I'll probably have to silicone some small rectangles of glass just under the rim, I've got friends in the glass business who will cut it for me.

The stocking will be as follows:

1 betta (male/female.. not too fussed!)
Cherry shrimp (or whatever's available..)

I'm going to go quite naturalistic with the decor. I'm going to find a small, twiggy branch of oak to sit in there at the back, with some pebbles over a sand substrate. I'll soak the branch in a bucket for a few weeks so it sinks and any rubbish comes out of it. Planting wise, from the back forward I'll be using vallis which I hope will extend over the surface a bit, in front of which will be some cryptocoryne. These will grow up in between the twigs of the oak branch. In front of that I'm hoping for a carpet of dwarf hairgrass.

I'll be slowly stocking up on equipment as money becomes available, hopefully with the sale of my 67 gallon, and I'm hoping to have it set up in my new house by october :)

Thoughts, feedback and advice appreciated muchly!

I'm so excited :D!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I can barely contain my excitement :D I've been online all day looking for equipment etc.

..though in doing that I've seen a bigger tank, for cheaper. About 8/9 gallons so more scope for aquascaping. Built-in light and filter so ultimately better value for money. Could even have pygmy cories if I wanted..

Watch this space.. I change my mind a bit too often :|


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
How well do LEDs work with plants? I know you chose plants that are suited to lower lighting, so that's good. I never had any luck with dwarf hairgrass, though. I bought some and had it under a 100W of lighting in my 55gal and it never grew or anything. Hope you have better luck with yours!!

Can't wait to see this tank when it's up and running. Sounds like it's going to be super cool.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Well I had wondered myself.. but then looked it up and LEDs are used quite often as growing plants in plant nurseries, so I assume they must be fine. My room's quite bright anyway and has a very big window lol.

Of course, if I go for this 9 gallon instead it has a built in light anyway, as far as I know it's a tube. What are the best tube fittings for plants?

I was probably a bit quick to post a journal thread haha.. oops! I was sure until I saw this tank :p


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK

(Ok I'm a bit over-excited...)

Bid on ebay for the 9 gallon afterall. I'll start a new journal when it arrives. But it's official, I'm back :D

And I guess by default I am a Man U fan lol, I don't follow football that much but my family are Man U fans so I guess I should be too lol.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I had a slight dumb moment and forgot to change the address from my uni address to my home one on checkout, guess I was just too excited! But I've emailed them, they haven't dispatched it yet (or at least they haven't said they have....) so if they get the email tomorrow morning it should be recitified! I'm very excited :) Will take pics when it arrives. Set-up will be slow and will begin on September 11th when I put the tank in my room :D Hoping to have a betta in there by mid october. Shall have to do some re-reading on the old cycle!