60 Gallon Cichlid


Small Fish
Jun 15, 2006
Im gonna be setting up a 60 oceanic tank. I've just finished rinsing it and soaking all the rocks and decor for a few days to get the salt out of it as it was a saltwater set up a few years ago.

I was planning on purchasing a 60 gallon tank capacity waterfall filter with the sponge and activated carbon model... not sure which brand as will see at the LFS. I was also planning on coupling this filtration with a dual powerhead system and undergravel filter as well. A few pieces of Lava rock also will help in adding surface area to beneficial bacteria.

All in all does this seem to be an appropriate set up for a 60 gallon tank?... that plans on holding... semi aggresive cichlids like severum, festivum, parrots, rams or apistos.. not sure on which combinations or quantity. im just brainstorming on the variety for now. I was also planning on adding Giant Danios and silver dollars for a li variety as those fish can most likely handle cichilds either with cunning or speed.

Does this simple equipment set up seem appropriate?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
The only thing I would do different is ditch the undergravel filter, save your $ on the power heads for another HOB filter. 2 smaller ones on each side of the back of the tank is much better than on large one on one side of the tank. UGFs can be a ticking time bomb if not taken care of properly and to do so can be a real PITA.

The stocking looks good, but I would loose the severums. People will tell you that a 55 is minimum for 1 severum. Keep in mind that this is with little to no tank mates. Honestly I have to strongly disagree with that size of a tank for a severum.

A lady friend of mine had 2 she kept in a 55 for a lil over a yr, they were only half the size of mine in my 90. My guys were full grown within a yr. So with that in mind IMO a 75 would be minimum for a severum. Your tank my have the foot print needed for growing room, but you wouldn't be able to keep much else in there.


Small Fish
Jul 9, 2006
As underground filter goes, in my case i would say its worth it. My plants with underground filter grew twise the size of plants that did not have underground filter.

Cichlids rock. I have like 10 of them in my 45 Gal tank and they are fun to watch.


Superstar Fish
Aug 26, 2006
Thule, Greenland
I wouldn't use the UGF cause with Cichlid you need rocks and lots of them. The UGF might not hold up the weight. Then you have just wasted time and money. 2 smaller filters are better but for what you would pay for then you can get a caniser filter that will work even better. Look around for deals. If the tank was Salt Water before then just use the same filtration system, just rinse it really well like you have been doing before use.


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