60 Gallon Fish Tank

Dec 15, 2012
hi i just got a Free 60 gallon fish tank with 1 10 inch pleco 1 Gourami about 4 inches and 3 cory catfish about 1 inch each. i would like to get 1 more gourami and 2 dwarf gouramis but i would like to know if it would be overstocking


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
normally you only want one gourami per tank. they are like bettas, where the males are aggessive toward one another.

you should look into rehoming that pleco to a larger tank also :)

maybe look at some tetras or a pair of angelfish or livebearers. lots of options. look on drfostersandsmith fish catalog and see if there is anything you like and we can give you input :)


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
What type of gourami do you have? You should be able to add a pair of females with the tank that size; make sure there are several hiding spots in case they have some lovers spats. Having 1 or 3(+) gouramis is better than 2 usually, because then you don't have a single dominant fish constantly harassing one other - he has to spread out his attention and it gives both subordinate fish a chance to have some peace. As far as I know, they don't form mated pairs like some other fish do, although I could be wrong about that.

I wouldn't add any dwarf gouramis if the one you already have is a bigger type (blue / gold / opaline / platinum or pearl), since dwarfs have more passive temperaments and would be bullied.

You also have more room to play with and more stocking space if the tank is long, rather than high - gives more swimming space for most species.