I did a stockcount of my 60 gallon tank last night and discovered the following:
4 Angels, 4 Zebra Danios, 4 Leopard Danios, 4 Black Widows, 4 Serpae Tets, 4 Platys, 4 Mollies, 3 Bala Sharks, 4 Clown Loaches, 3 Kuhlii Loaches, 3 YoYo Loaches, 2 Blue Gouramis, 1 Ruby Shark, 4 Bronze Corys, 2 Pepper Corys, 2 Albino Corys, 1 Knifefish (hence no more neons!), 2 Flying Foxes, 2 Siamese Algae Eaters; 2 Bumble-bee Gobies.
I have fallen into the trap of adding a couple of new fish every few weeks, now the tank is overstocked. Ammonia and Nitrite levels are zero, but the Nitrate levels are becoming a problem to keep down, even after regular water changes.
So, this coming Saturday I am going to remove all the fish, EXCEPT the following: Angels, Balas, Goramis, AE's and the Corys. This should bring the Nitrates down. Sad to have to get rid of the other fish, though.
4 Angels, 4 Zebra Danios, 4 Leopard Danios, 4 Black Widows, 4 Serpae Tets, 4 Platys, 4 Mollies, 3 Bala Sharks, 4 Clown Loaches, 3 Kuhlii Loaches, 3 YoYo Loaches, 2 Blue Gouramis, 1 Ruby Shark, 4 Bronze Corys, 2 Pepper Corys, 2 Albino Corys, 1 Knifefish (hence no more neons!), 2 Flying Foxes, 2 Siamese Algae Eaters; 2 Bumble-bee Gobies.
I have fallen into the trap of adding a couple of new fish every few weeks, now the tank is overstocked. Ammonia and Nitrite levels are zero, but the Nitrate levels are becoming a problem to keep down, even after regular water changes.
So, this coming Saturday I am going to remove all the fish, EXCEPT the following: Angels, Balas, Goramis, AE's and the Corys. This should bring the Nitrates down. Sad to have to get rid of the other fish, though.