65 gal Predatory plant tank


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Big Apple, NY
Thank for the replies

The list of plants are Riccia fluitans, Xmas Moss, Corkscrew val, Stargrass, Lace fern, Java fern, Anubias nana, Anubias Barteri, Aponogeton crispus, Aponogeton Capuroni and Baby teardrop.
The middle is form by 4 pieces of Malaysian driftwood held up by lace rock caves to form a X.
The lace rock caves hides 2x L260 Queen Arabesque and 1x L081 Gold nugget pleco.
I also have 4 small Siamese tiger that is being train to eat shrimp before I transfer them in the tank.
The 65 gal tank is about 7 month old.
I'm working on a 120 gal soon as the Dats get bigger.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Big Apple, NY
Hey Chad, Right now I have not use CO2 yet in this tank.
I will need info on what size tank, height and what type of plants to decide the perfect lighting. Pm me and I try to help the best I can.
Right now I'm using a JBJ 192watt 6500k Power Compact light strip on the 65 gal.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Big Apple, NY

Too much work. I tie mines to coconut shells right now. I'm looking for stainless rods to try the weighting down method soon. If you have a strong light and low tank, you can trim it everytime it reach 1.5" or else it will rot in the bottom. I'm just floating most of the riccia now just for Aquabid. Right now I'm just waiting until Xmas is over to avoid the long lines or also the cold weather.
I might start the auctions in March if the weather allows.
If you live in a warmer climate zome I can ship it anytime after Xmas. Let me know the size you want maybe we can work sometime out. Just email me.

Later Ken