Thank for the replies
The list of plants are Riccia fluitans, Xmas Moss, Corkscrew val, Stargrass, Lace fern, Java fern, Anubias nana, Anubias Barteri, Aponogeton crispus, Aponogeton Capuroni and Baby teardrop.
The middle is form by 4 pieces of Malaysian driftwood held up by lace rock caves to form a X.
The lace rock caves hides 2x L260 Queen Arabesque and 1x L081 Gold nugget pleco.
I also have 4 small Siamese tiger that is being train to eat shrimp before I transfer them in the tank.
The 65 gal tank is about 7 month old.
I'm working on a 120 gal soon as the Dats get bigger.