65 gallon tank


New Fish
Jul 22, 2009
Hey all.

I was thinking about putting two jack demspeys in my 65 gallon..Alone.

But the more i read around, everyone says that thats not enough space for two, even though ive seen videos were their housed peacefully.

I was wondering if anyone could make any other suggestions of other cichlids i could place in here.

Im looking for medium sized fish, or let me know if jack dempseys could survice.

thanks all

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
That is only 3 feet. If you had two males they may be ok while small..but not sure you would want that later on. Maybe someone who kept them more would ahve more insight.

I have also only kept mine in a 6 foot tank.

My brother in law kept one in a 75 gallon and he was fine in there with convicts and firemouthes.