65 gallon updated, agian


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
So this time since I've got some decent photo's of my guys I'd figure I'd post them in the cichlid forum instead of the plant one. (I like it down here better anyway, just don't tell anyone ;) )

BGA keeps tring as hard as it can to take over the tank. While I was rather immobilized with a broke toe my Co2 tank dumped and that started it. I lost all my stem plants. I did have Dwarf sag growing from one side to the other, and as nice as it did look when it was clean and free of algae and debris, I decided to remove all of it for the time being. It was like a magnet for debris, and while tring to keep BGA at bay without nuking the tank I figure it's an acceptable compromise. So Plant wise, it looks kinda bear to what it had been looking, I just wish I had some photo's from a few weeks ago.

Enough with that, on to the good stuff.

I like the driftwood arrangement. I've used 7 individual pieces in the tank. 5 for the large structure on the right and the two single pieces to the left. The fish love the tall driftwood with all the extra nooks and crannies. The chunk on the bottom is hollow, so it forms a nice large 'natural' cave.

I've never known anyone to rename a species of fish. My wife has though. Festivums are no longer festivums at our house, they are collectively known as The Bob's. Anyone think we can get this change official?
We lost two with the Co2 incident. But strange enough, the two that are left if I had to guess seem to be male and female. This is only going by the finnage, and I'm not real sure how effective this is to sex these fish. They are still very young anyway so I don't really care at this point. I would like to find more of these fish. Such a neat cichlid, quickly becoming one of my all time favorites.

I didn't notice till I was uploading these, but if you look at the bottom two of the above photo's, they show each of the two festivums, and as luck would have it the background is almost the same for both photo's! I couldn't do that agian in the next million pics. You can also see the differences with the fins. The first two is the larger fish, his dorsal and anal fins have a long filament that the smaller one lacks completely.

Here's a few of our nutty Apisto male.

And just because this is the best photo I've ever been able to get of these guys in the 6 months I've had them, one of three zebra loaches:

I also have 2 discus recently added, but I've saved those photo's for the thread in the discus forum. :cool:


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
i love your tank, im thinking of making my 65 similar to yours..what are all the fish you have there...what kind of apistos are those? how many Festivums can you keep in that tank? how many cichlid types do you have total?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Lets see, all the fish:
2 festivums
2 discus
1 apisto agassizii male
3 otto's
3 zebra loaches
7 cardinal tetras
2 thread fin rainbows

I'd guess that you might be able to keep 6 festivums in a tank this size untill some pair off. My male is territorial, but more of a bully than anything. Hasn't really done any damage, not even a torn fin to another fish. Now with a pair of course they are going to be somewhat more aggressive when defending a spawn.

Looking back on the tank shot, that one looks awful. I think the tank looks much better in person.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
LOL i thought about getting the lone apisto agazzi at work...ugly lil dinky thing. but i have 3 borellis :) did you get any females? my lfs doesnt sell them :(

but yesh, must see pictures!


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Thats the thing fuzz, I'm afraid that I ended up with all males :(

Also, I'm worried that I may have bought the hybrid "blue steel borelli". If anyone can chime in with knowledge if these are true borelli or not that would be great. I've not had a lot of time tonight to flip though the books and photo's.

To try not to be as terrible....

My male agasizzi doesn't particularly care for the new arrivals. Lots, and I mean LOTS of tail fliping going on from this guy. lol, he's a hoot to watch though. I caught this, him and a borelli flareing at one another.

OH, and I think my little festivums might just like each other (yes, in THAT way). There's been an increase in chasing from the male, and tonight they've started a little bit of lip locking.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I believe I did end up with Apisto sp "Steel Blue". Bah. And while I think I got all males, I'm still not certain. Strange little fish though. One has dug a pit beside the driftwood on the right side and stands guard like it's guarding eggs or fry. I might be a bit more convinced it was a spawn if, 1) it was in a cave of sorts and not in the open and 2) they've spent more than 3 days in my tank.

Eh, it is quite fun watching them squable among themselves though.

Well, despite my best efforts BGA has gotten ahold agian and is not letting go. I've tried to manually keep the stuff removed and up the water changes and water movement, and while this has slowed the progress, it's still there. Going to crack open the erythromycin this week and nuke the crap. See how well it likes it.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Yup. :) Da bomb has been droped. :D I just hope it's hasn't become resistant to the anti-biotics. I like the way the tank is laid out and I would hate to have to remove everything to do a clean restart, but with my luck, that's what I'll have to end up doing lol.

On a side note, I went to trade out my Co2 tank today and they didn't have any already filled, so I waited to get mine refilled, and while I waited I chatted up the guys working there and learned some really neat stuff about gas's. Some of which I don't think I wanted to know, like just how explosive liquid O2 can be. My mother is on oxygen, and I'm not sure if I'll ever go back over there agian......

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Tank is still looking good!
Fantastic shots of the inhabitants---I especially like the festivums. I think my wife would like them too, so I'll have to keep an eye out for some around here. ;)

May the force be with you in your ongoing battle vs. BGA. :D