6gal feels way too empty D:

Jun 3, 2011
Ok, so I acquired a 6gal fluval edge about a week ago. Did some mods to it, new marineland 20 gal filter (for the infamously poor circulation in these tanks), changed out the halogens for two leds (to regulate the algae growth and temp).
About two days ago I came upon some (5 ) little ghost shrimp and decided to throw those in there to jump start the establishment of healthy bacteria in the tank.
And now today, I got my male dwarf gourami, my female blue ram, and my two little upside down catfish...
my tank still feels empty, any ideas?


Small Fish
May 23, 2011
Fauxparty you might be overstocked due to the potential adult size of your fish. I would consider returning 2-3 fish to the LFS. Also your tank being unestablished or new, your fish might die due to ammonia poisoning.

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Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
Save your money and get a bigger tank.
Am often troubled by those who purchase tanks smaller than ten gallons and then want to fill em with fish.
Adding fish to small volume of water increases the waste in the tank from the fish(poop),we feed more food for more fish,and water quality becomes much more difficult to maintain at optimum levels.
Larger tanks are way easier to maintain water quality, and offer more options with regards to stocking .