6gl eclipes for bettas


Large Fish
Nov 14, 2003
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i just redid my 6gl and maybe wanted bettas for it but dont just want 1 fish in there...i know 2 male bettas cant be done...can i have a m and f or 2 females...or can i have 1 betta and another 1 or 2 smaller fish..if i have a betta with other fish does the betta need to be m or f....does it matter

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
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well female bettas are not as hostile towards eachother as males are, and can be kept together. im pretty sure the male will kill the female and they should only be kept together for breeding purposes, and as far as another fish in the tank with a male betta i would say your options are very limited, partially due to tank size- ottos or maybe a frog would work.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I wouldn't put cories in anything as small as 6 gallons.

You can't keep male bettas with any other bettas, male or female. Certain females will fight, but you can try about 4 females. That whould spread the aggression out enough that one doesn't get picked on. It wouldn't leave you much room for other things, though, and there might still be aggression.

If you have a single betta, the sex doesn't really matter. All bettas have their own personality, and some will get along with other fish and some won't. You can usually do african dwarf frogs with them, or snails, or ottos, or common guppies (males may bite the tails of fancy guppies), or most other things you could put into a 6. I think females are a bit less aggressive than males if you want to put in brightly colored other fish.

You could also do a male/female pair of dwarf gouramis instead of a betta... or 1m/2f.