7-Stripe Frontosa

I just got a 7 stripe front today. Yeah I know, I lucked out huh? Well I just wanted some pointers on how to keep these fish. My pH is 7.4 and on its way up to 8.2. dKH is about 13. dGH is about 20. Ammonia is 0. And Nitrite is a little less than .15. Anyone have some useful advice?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
frontosa should be kept in a large colony with 1-2 males and 10 females, should have around a 150 gallon tank or bigger, are your nitrites on their way up or down, did you cycle?, how large is the tank? whats in the tank? if kept correctly frontosa can be very rewarding fish

Yeah I cycled and they are on their way down. Its only one or two inches currently and its by itself in a well established 29 gal. that my oscars use to be in. I thought they were like oscars and are solitary. Anyway, I work at the LFS so I got it for practically nothing and they were $expensive$ too. My question is, how in the hell do you tell the sexes apart in juveniles? Not to mention adults and even then I'd have to wait 4 yrs. and then they would have to pair up to tell, right? I'd like to get a colony of 7-Stripes and breed them, but how do I tell them apart? If you guys help me out I'll sell some of the little baby jewels to you when I get my colony started.........

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Well my understanding is that most ALL cichlids are very hard to sex at a Juvi age.....the only thing i know to look for on a Front. is the male's hump on its head. But that will take a while to develop. So sry. I'll keep checking into it and let you know what i find.

O and also....Do any of you know how many Frontosas i could keep in a 55. (If i find some?) ??

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
cichlid-man, like soulfish said, fronts need to be in a colony of at least 10. since 10 is too many to keep in a 55, the amount of frontosas you should keep in a 55 is 0.

yeah antwan front females have a smaller hump. venting is the only reliable way to sex them, and even then I've heard it's pretty difficult.

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
I dunno how old you are or what your money sitch is like, but I wouldn't give up hope. I'm sort of in the half-assed planning stage of bulding my own 200 gallon or so. I wanted to do tangs in my 55 but decided what I wanted wouldn't thrive in that small of a tank, so this was the next logical step (and I got some shellies to tide me over hehe)

Ok, I've done a little reading. Yes, the males are humps are a lot more prominent. And I've read that when a group of 6 or more fronts are established with eachother, it is almost guaranteed that the largest is a male. (I can explain if you want me to) And then there is venting and probing which is the most reliable method. They say the females vent is more rounded and the males vent is more triangular. Well, this is where I got this info from, http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/frontosa_sexing.php, take a look at that.

I also read that the males fins are bigger and brighter. Do you think I could determine the sex if I got 2 equal body sized fronts and compared fins, colors, and what have you? And mike, you nasty, boy.

May 19, 2003
Visit site
they carry a few frontosa at my lfs all the time.

they have a quite large one for like, 40 bucks, but some smaller 2-3" or so ones for like, 13 USdollars.

I'm in love with the frontosas, but i cant have that big of tank now...


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
No, it will be no where close to alright. As other said in this post, they need a colony, and you can't fit 10 14 inch fish into a tank as small as a 55 gallon.

And not that it matters a whole lot, but this thread is almost two years old. :)