7 year old's new tank - failing mom. :D

May 8, 2012
We followed all the advice from the fish stores - set up the tank, let it run for a week, then add fish.
A week later my excited 7 year old chose two pink Danios.
Unfortunately, Cuppie & Lolly only lived a week.

We got the water tested and they said that was "weird" - my tank hadn't started a biological cycle yet. The ammonia was at 1.0. They advised a Stress Zyme bacterial addition once a week. We bought a liquid test kit.

3 weeks later, the ammonia is still high - looks between 1.0 & 2.0 on the test kit - its hard to distinguish the greens. The Nitrate is a bright purple in the 2.0-5.0 range and the Nitrate is barely an orange-yellow at 5.0 or so.

It's a 5 gal tank, currently with no fish, runs a Aqua Tech carbon filter, heater at 72*F, and a little plant that seems to be the happiest thing in the tank. The water is from the tap treated with a chlorine remover - replaced with water we "age" in between changes. What water should we be using to do water changes?

Thanks for your help - I've already learned I need to buy a siphon from the forum so it's been helpful already!

Feb 27, 2009
There are not many fish that will be compatible with a 5 gallon tank. Danios are a shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of 5 or more and 5 gallons does not give them enough room. Have you considered a betta or a small group of shrimp?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi, welcome to the forum! Have you read any of the stickies on cycling yet? Your tank is cycling, so the high ammonia and nitrite is a natural part of the process. It's great that you have a liquid test kit, btw. Before you add fish, consider whether you want to do a 'fish-in cycle' to finish the cycling process - it will mean daily water changes, although with a 5g that isn't too time-consuming.
A betta or shrimp, as suggested by OrangeCones, is a good idea - 5g is pretty small for many types of fish.