75 Gallon ICK

After having great success with a 29 gallon fresh water tank I added a 75 gallon in early December. Everything went well with the cycle and since have added 3 Giant Danios and 2 Blood Parrot with great success. All going well until today, “ICK”!!!! The smallest parrot has ick. Now I really need help – I don’t want to use chemicals or salt.. My intention was to transfer a weather loach and catfish from my 29 gallon, so I don’t want to cause future problems for the transfer of scaleless fish. The tank is also planted with Java Ferns and another water plant that are doing very well. Have heard chemicals can kill these plants. What is the best possible treatment?


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
You need to crank your heat. like 84/86ish

Parrots are super duper inquisitive, they interact a lot with the world around them. That means that the world around them also stresses them, you need them to rest so it's time for a blackout.

So crank the heat, add another bubbler or 2 because higher heat means less o2, and get the tank as dark as possible.... (throw a sheet over it)

Do water changes with really a good gravel vacuum every other day, and keep it dark and warm until they are better.

Also keep feedings to a minimum, the eating causes stress and they will be even messier then usual when they eat.

If you don't have anything scaleless in there I would do salt now, then just dilute through water changes when you are getting ready to add the catfish and loach.

I would move your plants to a bucket of water before making it dark, hot and salty....