Wel i think everybody on this forum knows that i'm planning on gettigna 75 gallon aqaurium, i'm going to set it up before summer hopefully!! Just very confused and i have MANY questions!!
1. Should i get a Fluval or a Eheim?
2. What one should i get for a 75 glalon aquairum (what kind of fluval) (what kind of Eheim)?
3. What's the difference between laterite and flourite
4. should i get laterite or flourite
5. How many wpg do i want for high light plants, what's the least i cna do? I was thinking of 210 watts
6.I want a co2 pressurized or Injector, what kind of co2 thing should i get and where do i get it?
7. what's the difference between pressurized and injected
8. does the amount of plants, dirftwood, substrare, etc... affect the amount of fish i cna put in the aquarium?
9.How many hours of light should the aquairum have a day?
10. at night when the light is off, what else should be turned off?
11. How many times a day/week should u feed you'r fish, at the moment i feed my community tnak ocne day and my puffer tank 1 every 2 days
12. should you feed you'r fish at the exact time every day?
13. How cna u get rid of the tea color that dirftwood makes
14. I was told that carbon will kill plants, is this true? Does carbon really destroy plants?
That's all for now, please help me, i've thought about these questiosn and did research, but couldn't find to much information on them!!
1. Should i get a Fluval or a Eheim?
2. What one should i get for a 75 glalon aquairum (what kind of fluval) (what kind of Eheim)?
3. What's the difference between laterite and flourite
4. should i get laterite or flourite
5. How many wpg do i want for high light plants, what's the least i cna do? I was thinking of 210 watts
6.I want a co2 pressurized or Injector, what kind of co2 thing should i get and where do i get it?
7. what's the difference between pressurized and injected
8. does the amount of plants, dirftwood, substrare, etc... affect the amount of fish i cna put in the aquarium?
9.How many hours of light should the aquairum have a day?
10. at night when the light is off, what else should be turned off?
11. How many times a day/week should u feed you'r fish, at the moment i feed my community tnak ocne day and my puffer tank 1 every 2 days
12. should you feed you'r fish at the exact time every day?
13. How cna u get rid of the tea color that dirftwood makes
14. I was told that carbon will kill plants, is this true? Does carbon really destroy plants?
That's all for now, please help me, i've thought about these questiosn and did research, but couldn't find to much information on them!!