75 Gallon, Slowly Building (Noobie)

Nov 12, 2007
Vancouver BC
Hey Everyone,

Just want to say Hi to everyone, first time posting.

I am very slowly building a 75 gallon saltwater tank. It is not my first but this time i'm doing it properly. When I was about 15 I had a 33 saltwater tank that I maintained for about 2 years.

Being 27 now with a decent job I have decieded to give this hobby another go. I have gone out and bought a 75 gallong tank with a fairly nice cherry red stand. I have just started by adding about 50 gallons of water then put in the sand with 3 powerheads and a heater. I slowly added salt after the sand cloud disappeared.

I am in no hurry for this tank so bear with me. I have a CoraLife Super Skimmer 220 that I bought about 8 months ago. I don't have it hooked up yet and I am actually planning on returning it to the store that I bought it from. (I asked them and they said it wouldn't be a problem returning it if it hadn't been used) After figuring out the size of my living room I wanted to have this tank as close to the wall as possible so I am going to be getting the all-in-1 Tom system. (Skimmer, sump, hoses, etc..) and possibly later buying a small skimmer to sit on the side which isn't as big an eye sore compared to the massive 220.

I haven't purchased lights yet. They will probably my last purchase before I get fish. I am going to be getting Metal Halides, 2 250 watt bulbs along with 2 compact floresants and moon lights.

I am getting the Tom system filter by the end of the week and going to be adding about 40 pounds of live rock from a buddy who is moving out of province for cheap. I will be adding another 40 pounds or so of live rock in the next month or so.

If anyone as any advice of things "I Need" or something that might be "better" i welcome all suggestions.

I will be posting pics as I build this expensive beast.

Thanks to all for reading and look forward to your feedback.


Marc (PinkMonkey) :)


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Welcome to a new salty. I am from Vancouver Island, but now live in Indiana....go figure. You sound like you are off to a good start. A question that I have is why did you add the water and sand and then the salt? You should have premixed the saltwater prior to adding it? I am not sure but I would want to ensure that it is thoroughly mixed up and that you don't have pockets with salt mix in the sand? I am not sure what a TOM filter is??? but with the live rock you will add along with the 40lbs you have you should only need to add a good protein skimmer and good water movement. The live rock will provide all the biological filtration you need, the protein skimmer the mechanical and the rest takes care of itself.....make sure you have a good 4-6 inches of fine sand if going with a deep sand bed .....give your tank the time it needs to cycle properly and you are all set.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Nov 12, 2007
Vancouver BC
I've decieded to keep my Super Skimmer 220 after reading up on the Tom system. Alot of bad reviews and after talking to 2 different LFS they both said that the built in skimmer is no where near as good as the 220. So I assembled the 220 tonight and I'm going to install it tomorrow.