75 gallon tank, need to know how to seal plastic trim! help!


Small Fish
Jan 27, 2008
I have a 75 gallon tank that I just bought from my friend. The plastic trim that goes around the tank, which on most tanks is either black or or brown and holds that glass canopies in place. Anyways, mine seems to be loose all around the tank so that could be a problem if I were to fill the tank close to the top. But u may say, dont fill it to the top, but the problem is that water is starting to condense between the glass and the plastic trim, causing water to drip down the outside of the tank. Hopefully this is an easy fix and someone can give me some detailed advice since I am new to fixing a tank. I have read about resealling tanks and all and have heard that silicone won't stick to plastic so that may pose a problem? any suggestions would be great. thanks

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Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I know some one who used 'Goop' to fix her tank but I'm not sure if that's safe for the fish.

I usually give myself at least 2 inches clearance between the water and the lid though just incase you have fish that like to jump and to allow for oxygen in there for labrynth breathers.


Small Fish
Jan 27, 2008
thanks for the quick response. that may work but I dont want it to be a possibility where it may kill the fish. I usually leave that 2in clearance like u said. I dont fill to the top but i i hate that the water is condensing between the glass and the plastic molding causing water to run down, leaving water stains. ...Maybe the is some type of molding thats safe for fishes that I could put around??? anyone have ideas?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
The water's always going to do that particularly in the winter when it's a lot warmer in the tank then outside of it. Just clean up the water stains when you do your weakly water change? That's what I do.

Jan 19, 2008
Silicone RTV/silicone Gasket maker. You can buy it at Napa Auto parts or something liek it. Just make sure it cures before you get it in the water or near the fish, as some brands at a little toxic before they cure.