8 litre tank - any use?


Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
Ok so I found a small rectangular plastic tank in a shed at my mother in laws. I filled it and it holds 8 litres which I think is 2.1 us gal.

Is this of any use in trying to house anything full time?
It cud always be used as an emergency tank or for fry I suppose. Bare in mind no filter or heater, so those wud reduce space a little aswell.

Any ideas?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Why not fix it up as a hospital tank? Make it kind of friendly, soothing with a small plant. You can probably keep it warm enough with a desk lamp as long as you monitor it closely.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Don't go guppy unless it's only temporary, that could really only house 1 gup whereas they appreciate buddies, so guppies are a no-no.
A male betta would be fine, but be sure to make a sponge filter- they don't take up much room. Bettas are tropical, so unless you live somewheres quite warm, you'll need to heat it somehow.
Ghost shrimp would be fine, but as with bettas you still need a small sponge filter. You'd probably get away without a heater with them, I find inverts do much better with somewhat lower temperatures.

Personally, I'd keep it for fry- you have a krib pair, zebra danios and mollies, so your bound to have fry eventually. You should definetly have a sponge filter even if it's just a fry tank, but small tanks need filters even more than big tanks (small=faster ammonia buildup= swift killer)

Hope you find something that suits you!


Large Fish
Aug 9, 2010
Think I might just keep it 4 fry if I end up with some which I prob will sooner or later, or as a hospital tank as suggested.
Wouldnt really be happy with even a betta in a small tank like that. And ive shrims in my tank which get along grand.

Thanks 4 the suggestions folks.
Much appreciated.
Should be a lid with a built in lamp somewere about that I need to find.