I got into this hobby about three years ago. My secretary gave me a couple dwarf frogs in a 1 gal bowl, and that started it. I now have a 30g w/ four white-skirt tetras, three gold-dust mollies, three rosey barbs, one gold barb, one red-tailed shark, one pearl gourami and three dwarf frogs (one of whom is the original!); 20g/L w/ five serpae tetras, three green cories, three juli cories, three yoyo loaches, two albino cories and two female bettas; 10g w/ two sunset platies, one red platy and one dwarf gourami; 2.5 gal w/ two male bettas ... one red, one blue.
Now, the deal is that when I started I bought a copy of Aquariums for Dummies and that was that. I did an 80% water change every month, adding water every three days (even with covers, the evaporation rate here in the desert is tremendous). I changed the filter cartridges every month (Whisper filters), and a complete scrub-down every three months.
Here's the question (finally!): Why is it that when four months ago I started doing partial changes of 20% every week, I began suffering bacterial blooms? I never had a problem with ammonia/nitrites/nitrates, before or now. But, since I started doing the "proper" thing, things didn't turn out so proper. The tanks only started to clear when I just recently went back to my old method of doing maintenance every four weeks.
Now, the deal is that when I started I bought a copy of Aquariums for Dummies and that was that. I did an 80% water change every month, adding water every three days (even with covers, the evaporation rate here in the desert is tremendous). I changed the filter cartridges every month (Whisper filters), and a complete scrub-down every three months.
Here's the question (finally!): Why is it that when four months ago I started doing partial changes of 20% every week, I began suffering bacterial blooms? I never had a problem with ammonia/nitrites/nitrates, before or now. But, since I started doing the "proper" thing, things didn't turn out so proper. The tanks only started to clear when I just recently went back to my old method of doing maintenance every four weeks.
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