90 gal Startup


Small Fish
Apr 15, 2004
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I am new to the reef community. Hello.

I am the proud ownewr of a 90 Gallon saltwater tank. I wanted to run by a forum the steps I took so far and asking of your opinion. In addition, the futher steps needed. Thank you.

The tank stays inside my FL home, with air condition set at average 72 F. I have a heater set at 79 F. I mixed my first batch of water and salt, bought live sand to fill the bottum, and added (for now) 40 lbs of live rock (going for 90 lbs at least).

THere are no fish or any other life beside the rock and sand.

I am using a compact florescent light, 1200 Cascade Canister Filter (rated 150 Gal), and have a Protein Skimmer for later.

My intentions are to add some more light introducing blues, and more live rock.

Is this the right steps? Any warnings, critisisms, improvement suggestions?

Is there enough air coming from canisters and protein skimmers? I was told maybe I should add an air pump and air rock under the canister intake to circulated air in the canister, would this be wise or excessive?

Any feedback would be appreciated to get me on the right foundation.



Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'd say you were low on circulation, with just the output from the skimmer and the cannister, but apart from that it sounds like you're on the right track. Look for at least 10* the tank volume per hour - it helps get more oxygen into the system by moving the water around, plus it will help your filtration by moving more water into conact with the live rock and substrate.
You odn't need an airstone - I don't believe it does anything useful at all, especially given how long it takes bubbles to break down and dissolve into water. Seawater is more 'sticky' than fresh, with greater srface tensions - bubbles just don't dissolve down


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Yes, water movement is low. A few power heads will help with this problem. You didnt say what your salinity was, so keep it around 1.023-1.026. You are off to a pretty good start.

Sam Reef