90g complete SW setup w/ livestock in Turlock (Northern CA) $950 obo

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
An established 90 gallon saltwater display aquarium with livestock.

Included in this sale is the following:

90 gallon (tall) Glass Aquarium (48" wide, 15" deep, 31" tall - the footprint of a 75gal).
Wooden Canopy (light oak in colour).
Matching Cabinet stand.
10 gallon sump
DIY HOB overflow setup
CPR Bak-Pak Protein Skimmer
Fluval 404 Canister filter
Emperor 400
Air Pump
Many more accessories such as timer, hydrometer, chemicals, food, nets, salt etc.

90 lbs live rock
100 lbs live sand

This is a mature, thriving saltwater aquarium and is for sale complete with livestock, which includes the following:

4" Blue-faced Angel (Show piece fish who is developing his adult colours - $180 value - gorgeous!!)
2.5" Bi-colored Angel
4" Yellow Tang
3" Maroon Clown, hosted with a Condy Anenome.
2.5" Cleaner Wrasse
2" Scooter Blennie
Large Cleaner Shrimp
18" Green Brittle Seastar
4.5" Purple, Orangespot Seastar
9" Large Longspine Sea Urchin
Condy Anenomes
Arrow Crab
Mythrax Crab
Astrea Snails
Assorted small hermits.
Also included is a gift voucher for a fishstore in Merced valued at $38.

It may sound funny but due to this being the sale of an established setup, water is also included. Water can be transported in doubled or tripled black plastic bags, or preferably 5 gallon office water bottles (if you have them).

I wish I didn't have to sell my aquarium but I am relocating back to merry ole' England in the near future and as such everything must go.

I'll be glad to help you set up the tank in your home if you wish.

Pictures and further information available at request, but serious enquiries only please.

My email address is mjcady@sbcglobal.net

Thanks for looking.