90G construction question


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
I have a 90G that I have setting outside full of water testing... there are no leaks. Heres my questions. this tank has no center bracing..my setup 90G oscar tank has a 1/4 x 6 in piece of glass going across it and siliconed to the frame..the 90 im testing has nothing and no marks where a brace was ever installed.. Do I install one? The hood I am building is going to sit around the outside about an inch below the top so this may be sufficient.

The 2nd thing I noticed is the silicone is squeezed between the joints where each corner meets..there is no bead in the corner like most tanks have. I am planning on adding silicone anyway but has anyone here seen this before?


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
My 90 is an old (~10 years) hagen model with 3/8 glass and no center brace. When it's full... there's a 3/8 bow at the top dead center. If it wasn't up and running I would add a center brace. LOL, one day ;).

Only time I've heard of tanks with out the inside sealing bead is when they were specificaly built for reptiles. I'd make sure it's minimum 3/8 glass and add the brace. Blown out tanks suck ;).



Large Fish
Aug 2, 2008
Vancouver BC
Agreed with Chris - add a brace. I'm going to be doing this with a 29g to eliminate the bow it gets when it is full - makes me nervous. Just make sure you go through all the steps needed to clean the glass/frame when you do it.

In regards to your hood, I would not recommend you use that as your center brace.