90g Tall In SF Bay Area


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Hi guys and gals,

I posted this about a year ago and I got a few "maybes" which became "nos". With summer vacation here again, I have the time to deal with selling so I figured I would re-post.

The tank is a fairly complete 90G tall setup (including black stand). The tank is 48l x 12w x 36h (the same as a standard 55, but taller). My brother is about 6ft tall so in the picture you can get a feel for how the tank+stand look when together.

The tank is in good shape..was used for roughly 1 year. Comes with the stand, Fluval 404 (needs new hoses), an assortment of air pumps, glass top and flourescent strip light. Basically, the tank is ready to go for freshwater use if you get the hoses and a heater.

I am asking for $500, but that might be negotiable. If you live close enough I can probably deliver to you.

If I don't sell it on here in a couple of weeks I am going to put it up on craigslist.
