90G Tank- How many more fish can I add?

Jul 12, 2013
I have a 90G tank with 5 Tinfoil Barbs in it. It just seems kind of boring and I wanted to add a Jack Dempsey, a pleco, a smaller schooling fish that doesn't get so big, and possibly an oscar. I know the barbs get around 10" long and so do all of the other fish I just mentioned. I was just curious as to if I could add them without stressing them out too much.


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
Jack dempseys and Oscars can hold there own against just about everything. They should be fine, especially if they're added as juvees. After that I would hesitate on adding any more fish. Those barbs will get to be over a foot.

Feb 18, 2013
I personally would opt for an Tiger Oscar & Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, they are great looking fish, have similar body shapes, and provide a good contrast to one another. Anything that fit in their mouths will likely become food as they grow.

My Oscar is one of the favorite fish I've ever had, he's very social to visitors, and is usually mid - high level in the tank. My Parrots use to bully him, but he's out growing them quite fast.

If you want a schooling fish, a group of 6-8 discus should do well, they are pretty finicky about water quality though.

Jul 12, 2013
I just bought a Bristle-nose pleco for the 90G since the water is perfect now! I don't know if I should keep it in there though since I'm getting a couple new fish soon... I don't want him to be eaten- seeing as he is only 3 inches long. Even though the fish I am getting will be juveniles I feel like he won't grow as fast as the other fish will. What should I do? I can put him in the 25G for awhile or should I just leave him?


Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
I have three BN plecos in my 125 with Africans and they leave them alone. Its almost like they recognize their place as the cleaners of the tank. Your pleco should be able to find food. Mine survive almost entirely off of the algae that grows on the walls. Just supplement with algae wafers until you get enough to colonize. They'll be fine, their good foragers.


Small Fish
Apr 15, 2013
I have a 90gal tank and I have an EBJD along with a bunch of other fish (see my list below) All the fish are doing well together. The plecos are left alone. The only fish that bother each other are the convict, the red tail shark and the EBJD. Every once in a while they will have a sort of stand off. Nothing too bad, they just stare each other down and then chase each other around the tank. Make sure your fish have hiding places where they can go to get away. My EBJD usually hangs out inside one of the skulls. I also have wood in the tank for the plecos. It also makes a good hiding place for the loaches. The loaches BTW are a good schooling fish and they are fun to watch. They are like little puppies. The Angel Fish are the most visible in the tank. They never hide and are always swimming around in mid to upper tank. Anyway, my advice would be to read up on what is compatible and note what their personalities/aggressiveness are when they are paired. All of my cichlids (except for the angels) are singular so they won't pair up and be aggressive about their "space". I also supplement the pleco's food by adding zucchini and pellets that sink. You will also find that if you feed your fish blood worms and shrimp, the plecos will eat that too. They pretty much eat anything :) photo (24).jpg BN pleco.jpg

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Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I have a 90G tank with 5 Tinfoil Barbs in it. It just seems kind of boring and I wanted to add a Jack Dempsey, a pleco, a smaller schooling fish that doesn't get so big, and possibly an oscar. I know the barbs get around 10" long and so do all of the other fish I just mentioned. I was just curious as to if I could add them without stressing them out too much.
I dunno.. 90g offers a good amount of room, but I would think it would be maxed out as is given tin foil barbs can get over a foot long. 5, 1 foot long fish in a 90g. Yikes.