90G tank with stress level ammonia state

Feb 13, 2009
I had a 75G tank with an Oscar Cichlid, Jack Dempsey, and a Pleco on well water which seemed to do fine until they grew so I decided to give them to my Grandmother who had a 100G tank. They're doing fine; however, I have since then moved to city water and have bought a NEW 90G tank.

I let my tank cycle a good five-six days (7.2 pH & 0.00 Ammonia level) before adding 6 Gouramis. I used newly washed rocks but some decorations from my old tank. The ammonia level was doing good until Day 2 of having new fish. I'm now on Day 7 (two weeks with new tank) and my ammonia level has not budged. I'm currently on stress level state but my fish appear to be fine. I've put in a stress coat and water clarifier and done a 25% water change everyday putting new water back in the same temp as the water already in the tank. Any suggestions? I don't remember this ever being as hard when I first started out with my other tank! I was also told to hold off on feeding my fish for 3-4 days which I have done & the ammonia level is still at stress level state. I finally fed them yesterday but vacuumed up all the extra just sitting at the bottom.

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