I was thinkin about not using my MH because I don't have any SPS corals in my tank and to just use my T5 lights until I get some sps corals. The reason was because I figured that either my zoas and polys were getting to much light or that the MH were heating the water to much and that might be the reason the Zs and Ps weren't putting out any babies. I asked my lfs about my theory and he told me to just split the 6 hours a day that I was running my MH in half. He told me to do this: start off in the morning with the T5s than an hour later have the MH come on for three hours tnen the T5s for a few fours then the MH for another three hours then the T5s for the rest of the day until the evening when the white T5s go off about an hour before lights out and only the blue T5s would be on for that last hour and they would go out and only the blue LED lights would be on during the nite. Now for my question: One of my three MH bulbs went out yesterday and I am really thinkin about not replaceing it at this time and just going with the T5s until sps corals are bought and put in my tank, which might be a few months away. Anything wrong with my thinking, would this be alright or do I need to replace the MH bulb at this time and continue to use them? By the way, the advice from my LFS, is something that I was doing until the bulb went out.
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