A betta question for you experts.  :)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Atl. GA
I got a new betta last night, very pretty one I might add.  I'll add a pic of him to the bottom of this message.  (Please look at him but excuse the dirtiness of his glass, I haven't had a chance to clean the outside of it yet)

My question is, He hasn't stopped flaring his gills at me since I got him last night.  Normal behaviour??  He ignored his food this morning and went right to flaring.  I guess he thinks the ghost shrimp looks a little thin.  :)

Any help is appreciated, thanks folks!

Since I can't get this pic to work, here is the link:  http://groups.msn.com/Nicksfish/shoebox.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=5


Oct 22, 2002
That is a very nice looking betta.  What type of tank are you keeping him in?  I have expierenced Bettas that won't eat in theirt first couple of days after buying them, until they are comfortable in their new surroundings.  
Also, my were VERY picky eaters.  What are you feeding him?  Mine wouldn't touch flakes, he just kind of glared at me when I tried to give them to him, and I think he was losing respect for me  ;).  
He would NEVER turn down bloodworms (frozen) or brine shrimp (frozen and dried).  I tried some of the different betta bites, which he would eat on occasion.
As for the flaring, I don't really know.  He might be seeing his reflection in the glass.  Also, I have heard about bettas feasting on shrimp that they live with so watch them.  Good luck!  


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Atl. GA
Oh well.  They were only 30 cents.   8)

I have tried just regular betta bits.  I'll wait a few more days and try again when I know he'll be hungry.  Blood worms don't sound too bad.  I have to keep frozen bloodies around for my Loaches...hmmm...robbing from the rich to give to the poor.  Maybe I should change my name to Robin.  :)

I have a little 2 gallon hex tank.  When I get a little more adventurous I'm going to buy some real plants to go in there.  It might turn out to be my best looking tank.  


Oct 22, 2002
I used to keep mine in a 1 gallon and he seemed happy there for about a year.  WHat I used to do was when I would prepare the blood worms for my main tank, I would use tweezers or a paper clip to drop a couple in the betta tank, he doesn't need many.  If I held the food about an inch over the water he wold jump and get it.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yup yup, my betta jumps too to get his food. But he misses a lot. And he flares a lot too.
I was thinking of putting him in a tank with other female bettas, but having doubt now, since he flares so much.

Oct 22, 2002
Visit site
My bettas won't eat the food unless it's crushed, because if it's to big than the betta spits it out because it can't swallow the food. You might want to try that. If the betta sees his reflection, try to move the tank around or somthing so that it can't see it, because one of mine was really aggressive, and it got hurt when it saw it's reflection in the side of the tank and rammed it's head on the side. Now I put a mirror in front of him for about 15 minutes every day, for an "exercise" type thing.
         ~Sorry I havn't been on for so long everyone. I've been really busy~


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
just curious, how do u get the bettas to jump? I don't have bloodworms, i feed mine betta bites and flakes... i tried holding the food above the water and he just looks up at my hand expecting me to put my hand in the water....