A Betta Story


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Frank the Betta has a cozy home on the window sill over my kitchen sink where he likes to eat blood worms and make bubble nest under the banana plant leaves. The other morning I went to feed him and he was no where to be found. I pulled all the plants out and his cave and he definately was not in the tank. So I started looking around and sure enough there he was, poor sod, all dried out laying on top of an incense burner holder thingy.

So I picked up the holder with Frank the fish jerky on it and he suddenly moved! I thought, 'No WAY!' so I put him in the tank and holy cow he started swimming around with the incense holder stuck to his tail and his little side fins stuck to his, well...sides.

I'm happy to report that he's doing well and making huge bubble nests 2 days later. :D

How crazy is that?!


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2004
I guess it wasn't too late huh? :) I'm glad he is doing good! I bet he's acting as if nothing happened, or is he? If I were a fish, and was out of the water, I'd be traumatized! :D

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
its really weird..my female betta did this ages ago when i had one..i had to take all the fish out, put them in a bucket and when i came back in the betta was all dried up with a catfish..but they all survived..but when i put them back in the catfish started swimming so did the betta but it kept on trying to jump out again and breathing in proper air not from the water..and it was very odd, nice to see frank survived :D !